On this page, you will find Arochukwu Postal Code | Arochukwu Zip Code.
Are you a resident in Arochukwu searching for the latest Arochukwu Postal code or Arochukwu Zip code? You are just on the right page as we bring to you the correct zip code for all regions and towns in Arochukwu local government area of Abia State.
On this page, all residence in Arochukwu can discover their area’s postal code just by going through our quick search postal code tables. We are a fast growing postal codes delivery service provider in Nigeria so you should expect nothing less.
Our content delivery of postal/zip codes in Arochukwu are arranged in a tabular and also alphabetically for easy discovery. You should be able to access your postal code within 2 minutes scrolling through our pages from anywhere in Nigeria.
See below for the correct Arochukwu Postal Code in Abia.
Area: Amaeke Abam Postal Code
All locations within Amaeke Abam, Abia State use the same postal code. See the table below.
Location | Postcode |
Idima | 442106 |
Itum | 442106 |
Ndi Agwu | 442106 |
Ndi Ebelagu | 442106 |
Ndi Ibom | 442106 |
Ndi Ite | 442106 |
Ndi Nsi | 442106 |
Ugwu Aduenyi | 442106 |
Arochuckwu town Postal Code
All the locations within Arochuckwu town use the same postal code. See the table below to confirm your location.
Location | Postcode |
Agbagwu | 442101 |
Amangwu | 442101 |
Amasa | 442101 |
Amoba | 442101 |
Amukwa | 442101 |
Amuvi | 442101 |
Asaga | 442101 |
Atani | 442101 |
Ibom | 442101 |
Obinkita | 442101 |
Isinkpu | 442101 |
Oror | 442101 |
Ugbo | 442101 |
Ugwu Avor | 442101 |
Ugwuakuma | 442101 |
Ujari | 442101 |
Ulughangwu | 442101 |
Area: Ihechiowa Postal Code
All the towns and villages in Ihechiowa use the same postal code. See the table below for confirmation of your location.
Location | Postcode |
Aboru | 442104 |
Achara | 442104 |
Agbor | 442104 |
Amaetiti | 442104 |
Amafia | 442104 |
Amamiri | 442104 |
Amiyi | 442104 |
Atan | 442104 |
Ebemofia | 442104 |
Ndiokpo | 442104 |
Nkporo | 442104 |
Obicihie | 442104 |
Obinto | 442104 |
Okpo | 442104 |
Umuchiakuma | 442104 |
Umuye | 442104 |
Umuzomgbo | 442104 |
Aria: Isu Postal Code
Every town and village in Isu, Arochuckwu local government use the same postal code
Location | Postcode |
Aba Isu | 442103 |
Amachi | 442103 |
Amakarama | 442103 |
Amukabi | 442103 |
Iheosu | 442103 |
Obieze | 442103 |
Obomime | 442103 |
Area: Ohafor Postal Code
All the towns and villages in Ohafor use the same postal code. See table below for your location.
Location | Postcode |
Amaelu | 442107 |
Amaogbu | 442107 |
Ameke | 442107 |
Amuru | 442107 |
Ndi Ebelagu | 442107 |
Ndi Ememe | 442107 |
Ndi Oji Ugwo | 442107 |
Ndiebe | 442107 |
Ndiya | 442107 |
Oduenyi | 442107 |
Ozu Abam | 442107 |
Area: Ovukwu Abam Postal Code
All locations within Ovukwu Abam use the same postal code. See table below for your location.
Location | Postcode |
Ahuma | 442105 |
Atan | 442105 |
Eziafor | 442105 |
Ndi Oji | 442105 |
Ndi Okereke | 442105 |
Ndi Okorie | 442105 |
Ndi Okwara | 442105 |
Area: Ututu Postal Code
All the locations within Ututu use the same postal code. See table below for your location.
location | Postcode |
Abuma | 442102 |
Amaebem | 442102 |
Amaeke | 442102 |
Amakpofia | 442102 |
Amankwu | 442102 |
Amasa | 442102 |
Amodu | 442102 |
Eziama | 442102 |
Nkpakpi | 442102 |
Obiagwulu | 442102 |
Obiakana | 442102 |
Obiene | 442102 |
Obijoma | 442102 |
Obiluoko | 442102 |
Ohomja | 442102 |
Ubila | 442102 |
Ugwo-Ogo | 442102 |
Ukwuakwu | 442102 |
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