Ukwa Postal Code | Ukwa East & West Local Government Zip Code

On this page, you will find the correct Ukwa Postal code, Ukwa East Zip code and Ukwa West postal Code.

Are you searching for the correct Ukwa Local Government Postal Codes for all regions? Or maybe, you want to help a friend showing him the correct zip code for all areas in Ukwa Abia State. We are your sure plug in delivering the correct Ukwa Zip Code for your street.

On this page, you should find just what you are looking for. We are referring to the correct and reliable zip code for Ukwa local government in Abia. Remember, Abia State have 17 local government areas and “Ukwa” is one of them.

There are so many towns and villages in Ukwa which is why we split this Ukwa Postal code into tables for each region.

This is done, to help you discover your correct street postal code in Ukwa region of the State.

See below for the correct postal/Zip code for Ukwa LGA

Ukwa East Below


Locations within Akuma-Imo use the same post office and postal/zip code. Check the table below for your location.

Location Postcode
Akpa-Mbator 453108
Amairingbua-Ovom 453108
Amasa-Ovom 453108


Locations within Azumini use the same postal/zip code. Refer to the table below.

Location Postcode
Asumini-Stranger 452107
Azumini 452107
Ohukwu 452107
Okoloma Quarters 452107
Umunta 452107


Locations within Ikwu-Orie use the same postal/zip code. Check the table below for your location.

Location Postcode
Amakam 452104
Amaobu 452104
Amorji 452104
Mkpukpator 452104
Mlpukpuokwo 452104
Ogbunga 452104
Ohaogwe 452104
Okotoko 452104


All streets located in Ikwueke use the same postal/zip code. Check the table below for verification of your location.

Location Postcode
Eti 452108
Mkpujakere 452108
Mkpuohia-Oba 452108
Obeaku 452108
Obunku 452108
Ohambele 452108
Ohanso 452108

Ikwuo Rieator

All the locations within Ikwuo Rieator use the same postal/zip code. Refer to the table below.

Location Postcode
Abaki 452105
Akanu 452105
Mkpukpuaja 452105
Mkpukpule 452105
Mkpukpuoha 452105
Obuozu 452105
Ogbuagu 452105
Ohaobu 452105
Umuogor 452105

Ntigha Uzor

All the locations within Ntigha Uzor use the same postal/zip code. Refer to the table below.

Location Postcode
Abam-Nsulu 453109
Abam-Nsuluamapa 453109
Alaoji 453109
Amapu 453109
Amauvuru 453109
Amorji 453109
Ehere 453109
Eziama 453109
Iferefe 453109
Ikpakiri 453109
Ntigha 453109
Obeala 453109
Obete-Nchima 453109
Ohanze 453109
Okpuama-Uku 453109
Okuenyi 453109
Osusu Amaukwa 453109
Owohia 453109
Umuafor 453109
Umuaguma 453109
Umuali 453109
Umuguru 453109
Umuochoi 453109
Umuogele 453109
Umuokahia 453109
Umuokoroata 453109
Umuola Egbelu 453109
Umuoruwu 453109


Postal/zip code for Obohia, Ukwa East Local Government Area is 452102.


All the locations within Ohuru use the same postal/zip code. Check the table below for your location.

Location Postcode
Ikiruamike 452103
Obegu 452103
Obija 452103
Obosau 452103
Obozu 452103
Osuogwo 452103
Ukebe 452103
Umise 452103
Umuaelaki 452103
Umumbukwa 452103
Umuodo 452103
Umuogazi 452103
Umuokara 452103
Umuopara 452103


All the locations within Umuigbube-Achara use the same postal/zip code. Refer

Location Postcode
Akanu 452106
Akirika – Nta 452106
Akirika – Obu 452106
Akirika – Uku 452106

Umuihu Eze

Location Postcode
Akwete 452101
Ohandu 452101
Umuibe 452101

Ukwa West Below


All locations within Asa-North have the same postal code. See table below.

Location Postcode
obingwu 452116
omuma-Uzor 452116
umuekechi 452116
umuezeke 452116
umuikukor 452116

Asa South

All locations within Asa South use the same postcode. Check for your location in the table below.

Location Postcode
Aparazu 452114
Obiahia 452114
Obiawom 452114
Ogwe 452114
Okpokoro-Ala 452114
Ozanta 452114
Ozatta 452114
Ugwati 452114
Umuabali 452114
Umuachakwu 452114
Umuachoke 452114
Umuada 452114
Umuadata 452114
Umuaebo 452114
Umuakirika 452114
Umuanyika 452114
Umuazuta 452114
Umuechke 452114
Umukwuru 452114
Umunkpulocha- 452114
Umuodeke 452114
Umuogwu 452114
Umuololo 452114
Umura 452114


All locations within Ipu-East use the same postal/zip code. See the table below.

Location Postcode
Ezebudele 452112
Obehie 452112
Obiakpu 452112
Obibor 452112
Obuzor 452112
Umuahala 452112
Umuajoha 452112
Umuelechi 452112


Locations within Ipu-West use the same postal code. See the table below

Location Postcode
Etitiuzo-Owaza 452113
Eze Ugwu-Owaza 452113
Owaza 452113
Umoekekewekwe- 452113
Umu-Acharaba 452113
Umuagala-Owaza 452113
Umuakata-Owaza 452113
Umudobia 452113
Umuegwusi-Owaza 452113
Umueme-Owaza 452113
Umungbeje-Owaza 452113
Umungede-Owaza 452113
Umunkpulu- 452113
Umuohiata-Umudobia 452113
Umuokerete- 452113
Umuokwolu-Owaza 452113
Umuololo-Owaza 452113
Umuosakara- 452113
Umuoyeke-Owaza 452113


All the locations within Obokwe use the same postcode. See table below for your location.

Location Postcode
Amaukwu 452115
Ikenyi 452115
Ogwati 452115
Umuakwa 452115
Umuguru 1 452115
Umuika 452115
Umuinwere 452115
Umunduru 452115
Umuoka 452115
Umuopere 452115
Umuopere-Kamanu 452115

Ozar Ukwu

Locations within Ozar Ukwu use the same postcode. See table below to for yours.

Location Postcode
Oborhia 452109
Oke-Ikpe 452109
Owo-Ala 452109
Owo-Asa 452109
Umuadienwe 452109
Umuebulugwu 452109
Umuiku 452109
Umunteke 452109

Ozar West

All the locations within Ozar west use the same postal code. See the table below.

Location Postcode
Obalu 452110
Obiga 452110
Umuituru 452110
Umukalu 452110
Umuokwo 452110
Umuorie 452110

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