Kwali Postal Code (Kwali LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Kwali Postal Code (Kwali LGA Postal/Zip Code) of (FCT) Abuja State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Kwali local government area of FCT/Abuja State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Kwali.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Kwali Postal Code (Kwali Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Kwali (an area/region in FCT/Abuja State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Kwali municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Kwali Postal Codes for (FCT) Abuja State, Nigeria.

Zip Codes for all Areas in Kwalli Abuja

District: Ashara Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
2 Tudu 904108
Ahuwye 904108
Akapo 904108
Angun Tunga 904108
Angun Wakili 904108
Angun Woji Woji 904108
Ashara 904108
Bassoni 904108
Bodolo 904108
Chekanci 904108
Daganaruwa Bassa 904108
Damakusa Gwari 904108
Daniwayo 904108
Eke 904108
Gomani 904108
Gorgbe 904108
Gulo 904108
Gwaji 904108
Gwan auta 904108
Huton 904108
Janruwa 904108
Kona Mada 904108
Kpessili 904108
Kukka 904108
Kukka Bushe 904108
Kundu Lele 904108
Kunguni 904108
Maikwari 904108
Mumun 904108
Nboni 904108
Nzakpara 904108
Padama 904108
Puka 904108
Pukafa 904108
Rarra 904108
Riwaza 904108
Sabo Gari Gurara 904108
Sadaba 904108
Sharra 904108
T. Sarki 904108
Takuro Mallan 904108
Tekpesse 904108
Tudu Wada Mangu 904108

District: Dafa Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
Azaya 904102
Dafa 904102
Dafa SaboDaji 904102
Galo 904102
Gugwa 904102
Kangon Adamu 904102
Kpewuye 904102
Kye 904102
Puka 904102
Tungan Galadima 904102
Tungan Gani 904102
Tungan Guli 904102
Tungan Tofa 904102

District: Gumbo Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
Anini 904107
Elle 904107
Gidan Duniya 904107
Gidan Makaniki 904107
Gumbo 904107
Kamadi 904107
Kwaita Hausa 904107
Lukoda 904107
Piri 904107
Shepikati 904107
Tusun Fulani 904107
Tutubwa 904107

District: Kilankwa Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
Chukuku 904104
Kilankwa I 904104
Kilankwa II 904104
Petti 904104
Sheda Galadima 904104
Sheda Sarki 904104

District: Kwali Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
Bonugo 904105
Dafara 904105
Ebo 904105
Farakuti 904105
Farakuti I 904105
Farakuti II 904105
Fulani 904105
Kigbe 904105
Koda 904105
Kwaida Tsoho 904105
Kwaita Sabo 904105
Kwali 904105
Lambata 904105
Leda 904105
Police Barracks 904105
Rugan Mal. Idris 904105
Rugan Rabo 904105
Sarki 904105
Yambabu 904105

District: Pai Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
Bako 904101
Bobota 904101
Ceceyi 904101
Dabi 904101
Kuti Chichi 904101
Leleyi 904101
Leleyi Bassa 904101
Pai Fulani 904101
Pai Gwari 904101
Tatu 904101
Tukurwa 904101

District: Wako Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
(Ubosharu) 904109
Anguwar Baushe 904109
Awawa 904109
Azarachi 904109
Bukpe 904109
Chida 904109
Dangara 904109
Dapa 904109
Gadabiyu 904109
Kibuyi 904109
Sa’adu 904109
Sabon Gari 904109
Ubo Saidu 904109
Wako 904109
Yewuti 904109

District: Yangoji Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
Adadu 1 904103
Adadu 11 904103
Bwoto 904103
Daka 904103
Ijah Dabuta 904103
Ijah Sarki 904103
Koroki 904103
Kuyi 904103
Nitse 904103
Sukuku 904103
Tampe 904103
Yangoji 904103

District: Yebu Zip Code Abuja

Town           Zip Code
Ebo 904106
Kigbe 904106
Yebu 904106

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