You will find on this page; Mbo Zip Code | Mbo LGA Postal/Zip Code for your area in Akwa Ibom State.
Afaha Okpo Postal Code Akwa Ibom
Some locations within Afaha Okpo use different postal/zip codes. Check the table below carefully for your location:
Location | Postcode |
Eyobisung | 523105 |
Eyofin | 523105 |
Uboro Isong Inyang | 523105 |
Udung Adatang | 523105 |
Udung Esio | 523105 |
Udung Uko | 523105 |
Usung | 523105 |
Eyo Ulung | 523105 |
Eyo Uwe | 523105 |
Edikor Eyiba | 523105 |
Edikor Eyobiosio | 523105 |
Edikor Eyokpu | 523105 |
Eniongo | 523105 |
Eye Oko | 523105 |
Eyo Atai | 523105 |
Eyo Atang | 523105 |
Eyo Ating-Osung | 523105 |
Eyo Ebieme | 523105 |
Eyo Esio Osung | 523105 |
Eyo Nsek | 523105 |
Eyo Okponung | 523105 |
Eyo Ukpe | 523105 |
Eyo Uliong | 523105 |
Udung Ulo | 523101 |
Udung Usotaiudung Ekung | 523101 |
Eyo Ekung Inyang | 523101 |
Eyo Obiosio | 523101 |
Udung Esien | 523101 |
Esin Ufot | 523101 |
Esuk Oro | 523101 |
Udini | 523113 |
Udombo | 523113 |
Udung Eyo Adaeba | 523113 |
Uko Akpan | 523113 |
Ekiebong | 523113 |
Eyo Efai | 523113 |
Eyo Ukut | 523113 |
Ibete | 523113 |
Ibuet Ikot | 523113 |
Uba | 523113 |
Ubotuong | 523113 |
Effiat Postal Code Akwa Ibom
Locations within Effiat use the same:
Location | Postcode |
Akpa Nkanua | 523114 |
Akwa Obio Effiat | 523114 |
Asiok Obufa | 523114 |
Esuk Anwang | 523114 |
Ibuot Utan | 523114 |
Ine Inua Abasi | 523114 |
Inua Abasi | 523114 |
James Town | 523114 |
Mbe Ndoro | 523114 |
Obio Iyata | 523114 |
Obong Nim | 523114 |
Usuk Effiat | 523114 |
Utan Antai | 523114 |
Utan Brama | 523114 |
Utan Udombo | 523114 |
Utang Efiong | 523114 |
Ibiaku Postal Code Akwa Ibom
Some locations within Ibiaku use different code. Check the table below carefully for yours:
Location | Postcode |
Ikot-Akpabong | 534109 |
Ikot-Ebak | 534109 |
Minya Ntak | 534109 |
Ndot-Abat Nya | 534109 |
Nya Odiong | 534109 |
Esa Ekpo | 534109 |
Ibekwe-Akpan Nya | 534109 |
Ibiaku Esa Ekpo | 534109 |
Ikot Abasi Akpan | 534109 |
Ikot Abia Enin | 534109 |
Ikot Aka | 534109 |
Ikot Ata-Nung Ikono | 534109 |
Ikot Ekpenyong. | 534109 |
Ikot Idiong | 534109 |
Ikot Itina | 534109 |
Ikot Ntot | 534109 |
Ibiaku Ata | 531105 |
Ibiaku Ikot-Ukana | 531105 |
Ibiaku Okpo | 531105 |
Mbiabong Ikon-Ekpene-Oton | 531105 |
Ndiya Mfia | 531105 |
Ikpa Ibom Postal Code Akwa Ibom
All the locations within Ikpa Ibom use the same code:
Location | Postcode |
Ikot Eto | 534111 |
Ikot Iseghe | 534111 |
Ikot Obio Ekpong | 534111 |
Ikot Obio Ndoho | 534111 |
Ikot Obio-Akai | 534111 |
Ikot Okop – Odong | 534111 |
Ikot Oyoro | 534111 |
Ikot Ukwa | 534111 |
Ikotn Inyang-Okop | 534111 |
Ndom Gbodom | 534111 |
Ndom Ibotio | 534111 |
Obioete | 534111 |
Ikot Enin | 534111 |
Ikot Etefia Ukam | 534111 |
Atanuk | 534111 |
Ekim | 534111 |
Ibiotio | 534111 |
Ikot Aba | 534111 |
Ikot Akata | 534111 |
Ikot Akpa-Ekop | 534111 |
Ikot Akpabio Ukam | 534111 |
Ikot Akpaden | 534111 |
Ikot Akpan Ukam | 534111 |
Ikot Ayan | 534111 |
Ikot Edim | 534111 |
Ikot Edong Ukam | 534111 |
Ikot Ekong | 534111 |
Ikot Ekpang | 534111 |
IKpo Ikono Postal Code Akwa Ibom
All the locations within Ikpo Ikono use the same:
Location | Postcode |
Asana | 534110 |
Ekpuk | 534110 |
Ibianga | 534110 |
Iffe | 534110 |
Ikot Abia-Utok | 534110 |
Ikot Afang | 534110 |
Ikot Eda | 534110 |
Ikot Ekpaw | 534110 |
Ikot Enyienge | 534110 |
Ikot Esen Akpan Ntuen | 534110 |
Ikot Mkpeye | 534110 |
Ikot Obio-Nso | 534110 |
Ikot Umiang | 534110 |
Ikot Unya | 534110 |
Iton | 534110 |
Ukwong Postal Code Akwa Ibom
Some locations within Ukwong use different codes. Check the table below carefully for your specific location:
Location | Postcode |
Mbokpu-Eyokan | 523110 |
Mbukup-Uko-Akai | 523110 |
Ibetong-Eweme | 523110 |
Ikpe | 523110 |
Mbokpu-Eyo-Ima | 523110 |
Utine Ndoung | 521104 |
Ebighi Anwa Oro | 521104 |
Etieke Udong Eto | 521104 |
Eweme | 521104 |
Eyo Nku | 521104 |
Itak Uyati | 521104 |
Mbukpo Oduobo | 521104 |
Ndoung | 521104 |
Osu Offi | 521104 |
Oti Oron | 521104 |
Otieke | 521104 |
Ubak | 521104 |
Utine Eyekung | 521104 |
Afaha Osu | 521104 |
Ebighi Anwa Ikpi | 521104 |
Akai Ati | 523115 |
Akai owu | 523115 |
Akprang | 523115 |
Eprang Udo | 523115 |
Ibaka (Uda) | 523115 |
Isong Inyang | 523115 |
Kprang (Uda) | 523115 |
Mkpang Utong | 523115 |
Offi (Uda) | 523115 |
Onukim (Uda) | 523115 |
Osu Udesi | 523115 |
Udung Eyo Unyenge | 523115 |
Uke Nteghe | 523115 |
Utit Atai Unyenge | 523115 |