Anambra West Postal Code | Anambra West LGA Postal/Zip Code

On this page, you shall find Anambra West Postal Code | Anambra West LGA Postal/Zip Code in Anambra State.

Good day, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Anambra West local government area of Anambra State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Anambra West.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Anambra West Zip Code (Anambra West Postcode) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Anambra West, a region in Anambra State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Anambra West municipal.


Locations within Enug-Out use 432110

Location Postcode
Enugu 432110
Igboezunu 432110
Isiokwe 432110
Mkpunando 432110


Areas within Ezianam use 432113

Location Postcode
Onono 432113
Umudora Anam 432113
Umuikwu Anam 432113

Ifite Anam

Ifite Anam uses 432112

Location Postcode
Abegbu 432112
Iyiora-Anam 432112
Mmiata 432112
Umundeze Mniata 432112
Umuoba 432112
Umuomuora 432112


Areas within Nzam use 432114

Location Postcode
Atakol 432114
Aza 432114
Igeja 432114
Irubi 432114
Odobo 432114
Okpeluba 432114
Utaba 432114
Anakpa 432114


Areas in Olumbanasa use the same postal code:

Location Postcode
Alla 432115
Igbedor 432115
Igbokenyi 432115
Inoma 432115
Odeh 432115
Odekpe 432115
Odomagwu 432115
Onugwa 432115

Oroma Etiti

Areas within Oroma Etiti use the same postcode

Location Postcode
Umanake 432109
Umuagha 432109
Umuche 432109
Umuebndu 432109
Umueze Anam 432109
Umuezumezu 432109
Umunzu 432109
Umuoje 432109
Umuomewni 432109
Umuotianya 432109
Unoosodi 432109


Areas within Umuen-Welum use the same postcode

Location Postcode
Nkwo-Oji 432111
Obodo-Otu 432111
Umu-Amachiala 432111
Umuotom 432111

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