Bauchi Postal Code | Bauchi LGA Postal/Zip Code

Good day, you will discover the correct Bauchi Postal Code | Bauchi LGA Postal/Zip Code of Bauchi State Nigeria.

Good day, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Bauchi local government area of Bauchi State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Bauchi.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Bauchi Postal Code (Bauchi Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Bauchi, a region in Bauchi State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Bauchi municipal.

See below for all Bauchi Postal Codes.

Bauchi City

Location Postcode
Kofar Jahun 740211
Bacas 740212
Tafawa Balewa Housing Estate 740213
Kofar Wasa 740221
Kofar Wambai 740222
Gumi Hill 740231
Railway Station 740241
Tambarari Village 740251
Abubakar Umar State Secretariat 740261
Lushi 740262
G.R.A 740271
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University 740272
Army Barracks 740281


Location Postcode  
Yola Dok 740101
Yuli 740101
Kurwala 740101
Malma 740101
Miri 740101
Rehu 740101
Runde Bin 740101
Shasawawka 740101
Taka Lafia 740101
Tirwun 740101
Wuntin Ododo 740101
Wura Wase 740101
Yelwa 740101
Badakoshi 740101
Inkil 740101
Balanshi 740101
Kangere 740101
Birshi Gawdu 740101
Kundum 740101
Bishi 740101
Kunjinbar 740101
Buzoye 740101
Kuruwala 740101
Byara 740101
Dindima 740101
Doka 740101
Dumi 740101
Durum 740101
Galambi 740101
Gasgal 740101
Geji 740101
Gokaru 740101
Guma 740101
Gwaskoram 740101


Location Postcode  
Zungur T-wada 740102
Zungur-Dutse 740102
Muwsa 740102
Natsira 740102
Pimi 740102
Rehu 740102
Shadawanka 740102
Shinga 740102
Tundunwada 740102
Wunti Dada 740102
Yamrat 740102
Yelwa 740102
Zungur 740102
Barumi 740102
Geji 740102
Malmo 740102
Bayara 740102
Girshi Fulani 740102
Migyara 740102
Bigi 740102
Gubi 740102
Miri 740102
Birshi 740102
Jamda 740102
Mun 740102
Birshi Gandu 740102
Juwara 740102
Munsal 740102
Burum 740102
Kuda 740102
Buzaye 740102
Kuhu 740102
Dandago 740102
Kundak 740102
Din 740102
Kungas 740102
Dulbu 740102
Kurdum 740102
Dumin Zungur 740102
Lafiyari 740102
Durum 740102
Liman Katagum 740102
Dutse 740102
Luda 740102
Gakal 740102
Lugge 740102
Galambi 740102
Lushi 740102
Gasgol 740102
Magas 740102

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