Okpokwu Postal Code | Okpokwu LGA Postal/Zip Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Okpokwu Postal Code | Okpokwu LGA Postal/Zip Code of Benue State Nigeria.

Good day, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Okpokwu local government area of Benue State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Okpokwu.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Okpokwu Postal Code (Okpokwu Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Okpokwu, a region in Benue State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Okpokwu municipal.

See below for all Okpokwu Postal Codes.

Okpokwu District: Edumoga

A-Adabulu 973106
Adum 973106
Agamud 973106
Agbangwe 973106
Agila-Oladikwu 973106
Aiede 973106
Ajide 973106
Akaga 973106
Akpitodo-Akpaya 973106
Akpodo 973106
Akpuneje 973106
Alaglanu 973106
Amafu 973106
Aokete 973106
Aokpaneg 973106
Aokpasu 973106
Aokpe 973106
Atekpo 973106
Ebo-Ya 973106
Ebodahubi 973106
Edkeajio 973106
Efede-Aoi 973106
Efffa 973106
Effion 973106
Efoyo 973106
Ejema 973106
Ekenobi 973106
Engle 973106
Gapo 973106
Igama 973106
Ijeha 973106
Ipoya 973106
Iwewe 973106
Laionyes 973106
Obotu-Ehaje 973106
Obotu-Icho 973106
Obulu 973106
Odaba 973106
Oduda 973106
Ogblega 973106
Ogblo 973106
Ogbodo 973106
Ogodum 973106
Ogomotu 973106
Ojigo 973106
Okana 973106
Okga-Ogodo 973106
Okopolikpo-I 973106
Okpafie 973106
Okpale 973106
Okpale-Ota 973106
Okpilioho 973106
Okpolikpo-Ehaje 973106
Oladegbo 973106
Olago 973106
Olaidu 973106
Olaioleje 973106
Olengbecho 973106
Ollo 973106
Omolokpo 973106
Omusu 973106
Opioli 973106
Otada-Otutu 973106
Otobi 973106
Ugbokolo 973106
Ugbokpo 973106

District: Ichama

Acho 973102
Adiga 973102
Adiga Oyira 973102
Ejaa 973102
Ichana 973102
Ipele-Ohebe 973102
Ipole-Aiagbo 973102
Ipole-Aiebega 973102
Ipole-Aikpe 973102
Ipole-Aiona 973102
Iwewe-Ichama 973102
Ode-Sasa 973102
Odokpo 973102
Ojocha 973102
Ojoga 973102
Oleayidu 973102
Oma 973102

District: Okpoga

Agado 973101
Agene 973101
Ai-Anechi 973101
Ai-Ochokpo 973101
Aidogodo 973101
Akpakpa 973101
Amuju 973101
Ede-Okpaga 973101
Idiri 973101
Idobe 973101
Idoko-Aga 973101
Ikonijo 973101
Ogbaga 973101
Ogwuche Akpa 973101
Okadoga 973101
Oklenyi 973101
Okpoga 973101
Okpudu 973101
Olayi-Agbino 973101

District: Orokam

Adum-Oko 973104
Ai-Ona 973104
Efoma 973104
Ejema 973104
Enyajuru 973104
Ibiladu 973104
Ikemu 973104
Imeyi 973104
Ipole-Adupi 973104
Ipole-Ako 973104
Ipole-Iyiru 973104
Ipole-Oko 973104
Itesi 973104
Leke 973104
Obenda 973104
Ocheje 973104
Ogwurute 973104
Okparigbo 973104
Olaigbena 973104
Ole-Igwu 973104
Oleche 973104
Orokam 973104
Oture 973104
Ugbagba-Ako 973104
Ugbogidi 973104
Ukalegu-Igwu 973104
Ukporo 973104

District: Otukpa

Abache 973105
Abo 973105
Adepe 973105
Adum 973105
Agbafu 973105
Ago 973105
Aikwu 973105
Akpagidigbo 973105
Alagiranu 973105
Ari-Engweewu 973105
Court-Otukpa 973105
Ebari 973105
Ebudu 973105
Efeche 973105
Efekwo 973105
Effion 973105
Efocho 973105
Efugo 973105
Eha-Otukpa 973105
Eke-Ekwute 973105
Epe-Agbo 973105
Epeilo 973105
Epeilo-Ikpoyi 973105
Idede 973105
Idiri 973105
Idodoloko 973105
Ijadoja 973105
Ikregi 973105
Ipichicha 973105
Ipiga 973105
Ipole Abo 973105
Ipu-Ugbogbo 973105
Ipuchicha 973105
Obuh 973105
Oda 973105
Odoba 973105
Odwebe 973105
Ofojo 973105
Ogaje 973105
Ogene 973105
Ogonkwu 973105
Okoncheta 973105
Olabekpa 973105
Olachagbaha 973105
Oladu 973105
Olagwuche 973105
Olamago 973105
Oloche 973105
Onchegbi 973105
Orido 973105
Oto 973105
Otukpa 973105
Owoso 973105
Ubiegi 973105
Udegi 973105
Ugbamaka 973105
Ugbogwu 973105
Ugbokpo 973105
Ukwo 973105
Umarichi 973105
Zaria 973105

District: Owukpa

Adu 973103
Agira 973103
Aiede 973103
Aifam-Centre 973103
Aiji 973103
Alagarunu 973103
Amejo 973103
Anchimodo 973103
Ankpa 973103
Annachowga 973103
Atamaka 973103
Ati 973103
Ebanna 973103
Ebela 973103
Ede 973103
Eha-Uleke 973103
Ehicho 973103
Ehuhu 973103
Ejaa 973103
Ejule 973103
Eke 973103
Eke-Ai odu 973103
Eke-Akpa 973103
Elugu 973103
Epiege 973103
Eru 973103
Eyere 973103
Eyupi 973103
Ibagba 973103
Ibiti 973103
Idogobe 973103
Iga-Uroko 973103
Ikwo 973103
Ipole 973103
Ipole-Aitan 973103
Ipole-Aiuja 973103
Ipole-Ekere 973103
Ipole-Owukpa 973103
Iwewe 973103
Iwewe-Aiodu 973103
Oderigbo 973103
Ogbata 973103
Ogbonoko 973103
Ogichigodi 973103
Ogwurutee 973103
Okpoto 973103
Okpudu 973103
Olempe-Ogicho 973103
Oma 973103
Onyirada 973103
Owukpa 973103
Owuruwuru 973103
Ubafu 973103
Ubenjira 973103
Ubono 973103
Ugbokpo 973103
Ugbugbu 973103
Ukalegwu 973103
Uko 973103
Uleke 973103
Umafu 973103

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