Akamkpa Postal Code | Akamkpa LGA Postal/Zip Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Akamkpa Postal Code | Akamkpa LGA Postal/Zip Code of Cross River State Nigeria.

Good day, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Akamkpa local government area of Cross River State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Akamkpa.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Akamkpa Postal Code (Akamkpa Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Akamkpa, a region in Cross River State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Akamkpa municipal.

See below for all Akamkpa Postal Codes.


Location Postcode
Asetoimo 542109
Itu Agwagune 542109
Asoke 542109
Okurike 542109
Abini Ajijia 542109
Ayimo 542109
Ugbem 542109
Abrikang 542109
Edodiesu 542109
Ukwop-Uyiere 542109
Adim Edodono 542109
Edodone Aboni 542109
Umari 542109
Adim Obioko 542109
Egip Urom 542109
Unoikengo 542109
Agwaguna Egbe 542109
Ekoho 542109
Agwaguna Emo 542109
Epefime 542109
Ahapai Adom 542109
Esuikongo 542109
Ahapia 542109
Etabi 542109
Akofbenyim 542109
Ibenabang I 542109
Akparavuni 542109
Ibenabang II 542109
Akpet Central 542109
Igbadara 542109
Akpet I 542109
Ijom Abayong 542109
Akugom 542109
Imasetbi 542109
Aradang 542109
Ina Missingo 542109
Abamba 542109
Abaribara 542109

Ike Ekpe-Rem

Location Postcode
Ekpri Iko 542105
Ibum 542105
Iko Ekperem 542105
Iko Esai 542105
Itokem 542105
Mbenentung 542105
New Ekuri 542105
Obutang 542105
Obutong 542105
Old Ekuri 542105
Owai 542105


Location Postcode
Abatai 542106
Akor 542106
Ekang 542106
Ikpai 542106
Kwa Falls-Aningeje 542106
Mamenyong 542106
Mbeban 542106
Mkpot 542106
Mtabachot 542106
New Ndebeji 542106
Nkame 542106
Ojok 542106
Old Ndebeji 542106
Orem 542106
Owon 542106


Location Postcode
Akamkpa 542101
Awi 542101
Ibonda 542101
Isong Inyang 542101
Mbarantung 542101
Njagachang 542101
Nsan 542101
Nyaabam 542101
Okom Ita 542101
Old Netim 542101
Onun Mbarakom 542101

Ito North West

Location Postcode
Ikpabio Ito 542110
Odot Idere 542110
Isahi 542110
Okpo 542110
Ito 542110
Okube 542110
Mbiabong 542110
Ono Ito 542110
Mbiabong Ito 542110
Ubem Okon Abia 542110
Nipani 542110
Ubia Obi o 542110
Ntan Obu Ukpo Obio 542110
Ubia Obio II 542110
Obiom 542110
Ufot Itiat 542110
Obodio Eno Eki 542110
Ukwa-Mbiwa 542110
Ewen 542110
Obodo Eki 542110
Usang Ikpa 542110
Ibiakpan 542110
Obot Akpatio 542110
Usiere 542110
Iboho Ito 542110
Obot Esu Ito 542110
Utambara Ito 542110
Idim Atan 542110
Obot Udana 542110
Idim Nom Eku 542110
Obukwo Esa 542110
Ikot Eduong 542110
Obukwomuno 542110
Ikot Offiong Asang 542110
Odioho Ito 542110
Akani Obio I 542110
Asang 542110
Atan Eki 542110
Atan Idere 542110
Atan Onoyom 542110
Ekim Ito 542110
Ekpene Ibiabong-Eki 542110
Enen Ito 542110
Esuk Stan 542110


Location Postcode
Abong 542102
Aking 542102
Ekong 542102
Elae Itokem 542102
Mangor 542102
Mbenentung 542102
Ndip Eranim 542102
Okarara 542102
Osomba 542102


Location Postcode
Oberekai 542103
Okoroba 542103
Abiati 542103
Aningeje 542103
Ekonganaku 542103
Mbobui 542103
Mfamosing 542103
Ndingane 542103


Location Postcode
Anogbanesu Ikun 542111
Imieapo 542111
Ejoro Okpor 542111
Izu Egwe 542111
Emokin 542111
Obun-Ikun 542111
Emot Okpar 542111
Okonta 542111
Emot Okpor 542111
Okpo 542111
Enidit 542111
Onba Ikun 542111
Enodakoton 542111
Onoronwanza 542111
Enougo 542111
Oriti Ugom 542111
Enougo-Ewuruon 542111
Owon-Aradun 542111
Eriget 542111
Ugburugbu 542111
Etono II 542111
Urambok 542111
Eweruon 542111
Uyor Eyai 542111
Ewothpo-Ikun 542111
Iboku-Ikun 542111
Igana-Ikun 542111
Igenigba Deogbe 542111


Location Postcode
Ekei Ibemi 542104
Ekpri Iwuru 542104
Ewen 542104
Ifumkpa 542104
Igboria 542104
Ikami 542104
Joseph Oyak 542104
Mbarakpa 542104
Ojor Nkonimba 542104
Uwet 542104
Uyanga 542104
Uyanga Abakpa 542104
Akwa Ibami 542104

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