Boki Postal Code | Boki LGA Postal/Zip Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Boki Postal Code | Boki LGA Postal/Zip Code of Cross River State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Boki local government area of Cross River State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Boki.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Boki Postal Code (Boki Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Boki, a region in Cross River State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Boki municipal.

See below for all Boki Postal Codes.


Location postcode
Ogep 551111
Oku Aro 551111
Oku Bushuyo 551111
Old Ikwete Ranch 551111
Oundi 551111
Ugbakoko 551111
Abedebede 551111
Kotele 551111
Agba 551111
Nfom 551111
Ajirija 551111
Njua-Bano 551111
Amandakureke 551111
Njua-Kaku 551111
Arongba 551111
Nkim 551111
Bansan 551111
Ntamante 551111
Bawop I 551111
Bawop II 551111
Beleege 551111
Belegtte 551111
Borum 551111
Dishighua 551111
Eban 551111
Egbugbe 551111
Etimitim 551111
Iundara 551111


Location Postcode
Abankang 551110
Nkarasi II 551110
Abinti 551110
Nkatasi I 551110
Akorofono 551110
Nketa 551110
Akumabal 551110
Nkum 551110
Alok 551110
Nlui 551110
Baggo 551110
Noutap 551110
Bassange 551110
Ogomogoim 551110
Begga 551110
Uyrenkper 551110
Edor 551110
Eleneber 551110
Emangbe 551110
Etikpe 551110
Kundere I 551110
Kundere II 551110
Manden 551110
Mkim 551110


Location Postcode
Abo Bonable 551106
Damere 551106
Abo Ebanm 551106
Igel 551106
Abo Eme 551106
Ikang 551106
Abo Nkpang 551106
Isobendeghe 551106
Abo Obisu 551106
Kagbang 551106
Abo Ogbagbante 551106
Kangyang I 551106
Abo Takon 551106
Kangyang II 551106
Abonorok 551106
Karu 551106
Ashikpe 551106
Katabong 551106
Bansan 551106
Kigbor 551106
Bashua-Biakwen 551106
Nsadop 551106
Bashua-Efore 551106
Orimekpan I 551106
Bayatung 551106
Orimekpan II 551106
Bayobri 551106
Owong 551106
Boje 551106
Buanchor 551106

Eastern Boki

Location Postcode
Wula 551107
Ashishie 551107
Bakum 551107
Bamba 551107
Bateriko 551107
Beebo 551107
Botatong 551107
Bulkalum 551107
Bumaji 551107
Ofambe 551107
Okiro 551107
Okurison 551107
Okwa 551107
Okwabang 551107
Okwango 551107
Ubong-Atenkwu 551107


Location Postcode
Ofonokpan-Egenga 551109
Oikokoma Nta 551109
Okorogang 551109
Okorotung 551109
Okpodom 551109
Olakidung 551109
Otafuk-Nselle 551109
Otighidi-Uselle 551109
Oyenghe 551109
Oyenghe Agong 551109
Ukpada 551109
Ukpringi 551109
Utubia 551109
Ofokpan 551109
Ofonkpan Oyenche 551109
Ofonokpan Ejebajor 551109
Ababene Ngo 551109
Ngidi 551109
Abayongho 551109
Ngo 551109
Abebene Nta 551109
Nirigom Nta 551109
Abenatek 551109
Njemetop 551109
Abinti 551109
Nkapaya 551109
Adumatam 551109
Nkrira 551109
Alesi 551109
Nkuambong 551109
Egbaja 551109
Nkurofa 551109
Egbanga 551109
Ntatin 551109
Ejor 551109
Nto 551109
Enyi Nte 551109
Odo-Nta 551109
Enyi-Evertop 551109
Ofafuk Nta 551109
Ezere 551109
Ofofadim Nta 551109
Inijigo 551109
Memberokpa 551109
Mgbonege 551109

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