Ndokwa West Postal Code | Ndokwa West LGA Postal/Zip Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ndokwa West Postal Code | Ndokwa West LGA Postal/Zip Code of Delta State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ndokwa West local government area of Delta State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ndokwa West.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ndokwa West Postal Code (Ndokwa West Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ndokwa West, a region in Delta State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ndokwa West municipal.

See below for all Ndokwa West Postal Codes for Delta State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Amanyi 411125
Apapam 411125
Enugu 411125
Owereze 411125
Uba 411125
Umuogbogwu 411125
Uruku 411125
Uwenuokpe 411125
Abbi 322104
Ijeze 322104
Imam-Abbi 322104


Location Postcode
Idi-Oise 311108
Obodigbon 311108
Obodogun 311108
Obolo 311108
Odogbe 311108
Akhiomen 311108
Okede 311108
Auma 311108
Okpogho 311108
Eguale 311108
Udor 311108
Eke 311108
Uneme 311108
Eko Ojemohin 311108
Emu 311108
Emu Ibhiadu 311108
Emu Nekhua 311108
Emu Orankhuan 311108
Emu Usolo 311108
Emua 311108
Emu-ebendo 322102
Emu-Iyasele 322102
Emu-Obiogo 322102
Emu-Obodeti 322102
Emu-Uno 322102


Location Postcode
Igbe 322103
Obodugwa 322103
Ogbagu 322103
Ogbe-Ogume 322103
Ogbole 322103
Ogute 322103
Umuchime 322103


Location Postcode
Amorji 322106
Eweshi 322106
Ibabu 322106
Ike-Onicha 322106
Ugillami 322106

Utagba Ogbe

Location Postcode
Isumpe 322101
Ogbeani 322101
Umusadege 322101
Umusam 322101
Umusedeli 322101
Umuseti 322101

Utagbe Uno

Location Postcode
Etua-Uno 322105
Isumpe 322105
Ndemili 322105
Oliogo 322105
Umusadege 322105
Umusedeli 322105
Umuseti 322105
Utagba-Uno 322105

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