Ishielu Postal Code | Ishielu LGA Postal/Zip Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ishielu Postal Code | Ishielu LGA Postal/Zip Code of Ebonyi State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ishielu local government area of Ebonyi State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ishielu.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ishielu Postal Code (Ishielu Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ishielu, a region in Ebonyi State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ishielu municipal.

See below for all Ishielu Postal Codes for Ebonyi State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Igwebuike 481118
Isiagu 481118
Ndiagu 481118
Ohafia 481118
Okwunyionu 481118
Omege 481118
Onueke 481118
Ugbodo 481118
Amachima 481118
Amagu-Agba 481118
Amorie 481118
Ekwetekwe 481118
Aba-Ohofia 481118
Achara 481118
Agbaelu 481118
Agbaelu-Aguabonyi 481118
Agu-Ogbugo 481118
Aguachara 481118
Aguedene 481118
Aguefi 481118
Agulime 481118
Agunecheonweya 481118
Aguozu 481118
Akwusakwu 481118


Location Postcode
Umuoshim 481121
Wiagu 481121
Amanankwa 481121
Egedegede 481121
Ishielu 481121
Iyieke 481121
Nkorokpo 481121
Umuonyi 481121
Amuda 481121
Enyima 481121
Ndiaguazu 481121
Ndufu I 481121
Ndufu II 481121
Ngbo 481121
Ntezi 481121
Omege 481121
Onoffia 481121
Onueke 481121


Location Postcode
Agugede 481112
Anyima 481112
Azuofia 481112
Ogbogum 481112
Onuoji 481112


Location Postcode
Ameta 481123
Ikele 481123
Obodoaba 481123


Location Postcode
Egedegede 481122
Emezu 481122
Obubu 481122


Location Postcode
Amaegu 481120
Onunweke 481120
Ameta 481120
Onuoji 481120
Amokwe 481120
Overail 481120
Amuogu 481120
Azuofia 481120
Azuogbagu 481120
Ebieji 481120
Ebusieike 481120
Edemngwu 481120
Egbelegu 481120
Egwudinagu 481120
Ogboeyim 481120
Onumworie-Azumuru 481120
Onunwafor 481120
Onunwankwo I 481120
Onunwankwo II 481120


Location Postcode
Amaleze 481111
Amihu 481111
Amofia 481111
Amorie 481111
Amukpa 481111
Umuakpu 481111
Umuezekoha 481111


Location Postcode
Agunho 481119
Aguobodo I 481119
Aguobodo II 481119
Amogyi 481119
Ebusike 481119
Isionwa-Miri I 481119
Isonwumiri II 481119
Obodoachi 481119
Ogboji Centre 481119
Ohinya 481119
Ohuhu 481119
Onuebonyi-Onunwankwo 481119
Onunwefor 481119
Onunweke 481119
Ugboenyim 481119


Location Postcode
Aguonwenkeya 481115
Amagu 481115
Ezza Iyonu 481115
Obeagu 481115
Umuneze 481115
Umuogwa 481115


Location Postcode
Akiyi 481114
Amanvu 481114
Imoha 481114
Ishiagu 481114
Uwule 481114


Location Postcode
Amagu 481113
Amaokwe 481113
Amazezegba 481113
Umeleha 481113


All locations within Ntezi make use of 481116 as their postcode.


Location Postcode
Lobasa 481117
Logbo 481117
Logburegbe 481117
Lokpo 481117
Ndieze 481117

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