Ivo Postal Code | Ivo LGA Postal/Zip Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ivo Postal Code | Ivo LGA Postal/Zip Code of Ebonyi State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ivo local government area of Ebonyi State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ivo.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ivo Postal Code (Ivo Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ivo, a region in Ebonyi State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ivo municipal.

See below for all Ivo Postal Codes for Ebonyi State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Oshugbo 482115
Ugbodo 482115
Ugbonia 482115
Amagu 482115
Ekwetekwe 482115
Ekwurukwu 482115
Enyim 482115
Igbeagu 482115
Ikwerikwo 482115
Isiofffia 482115
Ndufu Ndeguazu 482115
Odeligbo 482115
Ohaigbo 482115
Ohaoffia 482115
Okeagba 482115
Okwefurike 480107
Olua 480107
Opamma 480107
Orizo 480107
Agalegu I 480107
Ishiagu 480107
Agalegu II 480107
Magu-Amagu 480107
Agukpobe 480107
Mgbalukwu-Amagu 480107
Alibaruhu 480107
Ndiakochi 480107
Amachi-Amagu 480107
Ndiegbe 480107
Amachi-Onuteta 480107
Ndieze-Amagu 480107
Amechara 480107
Ndinwamini 480107
Amegu-Onicha 480107
Ndiube 480107
Amike 480107
Nwafo-Ogu 480107
Eketube 480107
Obegu Ebia 480107
Enwuagba 480107
Obulechi 480107
Enyibuchiri 480107
Oferekpe 480107
Ezza Inyi 480107
Ohamini I 480107
Ezza-Ebia I 480107
Ohamini II 480107
Ezza-Ebia II 480107
Okpitumo-Amangu 480107
Igbegu-Amagu 480107
Okpuru Egbu 480107


Location Postcode
Akaeze Ukwu 491104
Ihenta 491104
Iijioji 491104
Umuobor 491104


Location Postcode
Obinagu 491105
Ogwor 491105
Okue 491105
Afikpo Road 491105
Amaeke 491105
Amaeze 491105
Amagu 491105
Amaokwe 491105
Amaonye 491105
Amata 491105
Eziato 491105
Ihiali 491105
Ihie I 491105
Ihietutu 491105
Nguogwo 491105
Nzerem 491105

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