Ovia North-East Postal Code (Ovia North-East LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ovia North-East Postal Code (Ovia North-East LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Edo State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ovia North-East local government area of Edo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ovia North-East.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ovia North-East Postal Code (Ovia North-East Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ovia North-East (an area/region in Edo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ovia North-East municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ovia North-East Postal Codes for Edo State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Ekiadolor 302116
Iguodia 302116
Isiukhukhu 302116
Ora 302116
Ovbogie 302116


Location Postcode
Ayedi 302118
Iguadolo 302118
Iguoshodin 302118
Iguosogban 302118
Ogheghe 302118
Ojogbede 302118
Okakegbe 302118
Okhuninwun Camp 302118
Umuame 302118


Location Postcode
Evboneka 30211
Iyowa 302115
Nifor 302115
Okhuen Camp 302115
Ugbogiobo 302115
Ukpoke 302115


Location Postcode
Abumwenre 302112
Emeh 302112
Okokhuo 302112
Okunuvbe 302112
Ugbokuli 302112


Location Postcode
Abiala 302121
Egbaton 302121
Ekehuan 302121
Gelegele 302121
Ibaro 302121
Igbobi 302121
Ikpako 302121
Mikotowa 302121
Oduna 302121
Orogo 302121
Ugbine 302121
Ughoton 302121


Agorise 302113
Igezomo 302113
Igulye 302113
Iguosagie 302113
Iwu 302113
Izakagbo 302113
Ofumwege 302113
Ogua 30211


Adama 302120
Agivbigie 302120
Army Barracks 302120
Egbaen 302120
Evbolekpen 302120
Evboro 302120
Igbobi 302120
Igo 302120
Ikoro 302120
Obazuwa 302120
Oghede 302120


Location Postcode
Abrifor Camp 302110
Egbeteti 302110
Egboha 302110
Ekenomeghele 302110
Guobadia Camp 302110
Half Way 302110
Igbogo 302110
Igueze 302110
Igunye 302110
Iguobo 302110
Iguomo 302110
Isiuwa 302110
Iyanomo 302110
Iyeta 302110
Ofumwgbe Camp 302110
Oghobahon I 302110
Oghobahon II 302110
Okoro 302110
Omamini Camp 302110
Oseminota Camp 302110
Oyibo Camp 302110
Phy Hospital 302110
Ugbodun 302110
Ugbokun I 302110
Ugbokun II 302110
Ulakpa Junction 302110


Egbaen 302117
Iguosa 302117
Okhumwun 302117
Olefure 302117
Oluku 302117
Uhogua 302117
Utekon 302117


Location Postcode
Aghanokpe 302111
Egbeta 302111
Egekpanu 302111
Gberao 302111
Ogbese 302111
Okeodo 302111
Olumoye 302111
Ugbodo Camp 302111
Ugbuwe 302111
Uhen 302111
Utese 302111


Location Postcode
Eko Ekpetin 302114
Idumwengie 302114
Igbanikaka 302114
Igbehkue 302114
Obarenren 302114
Odighi 302114
Odiguetue 302114
Okhuo Camp 302114
Osasimwinoba 302114
Owan 302114
Ugboke 302114
Uhiere 302114


Location Postcode
Agbaje 302119
Iguogie 302119
Ite 302119
Nigbemagba 302119
Ovah 302119
Utoka 302119

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