Ovia South-West Postal Code (Ovia South-West LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ovia South-West Postal Code (Ovia South-West LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Edo State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ovia South-West local government area of Edo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ovia South-West.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ovia South-West Postal Code (Ovia South-West Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ovia South-West (an area/region in Edo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ovia South-West municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ovia South-West Postal Codes for Edo State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Abozumamwen 302101
Ago-Okunzuwa 302101
Aifesoba 302101
Evboba 302101
Iguatakpa 302101
Iguobazuwa 302101
Iguogun 302101
Isokponba 302101
Obaretin 302101
Okokpon 302101
Okoro II 302101


Location Postcode
Abere 302109
Ajakurama 302109
Ajatitition 302109
Binidogha 302109
Ekogben W.N. 302109
Gbelekanga 302109
Gbeoba 302109
Gbolowosho 302109
Isabemwen 302109
Itagbene 302109
Lagos Junction 302109
Ofunama 302109
Saleria 302109
Turukubu W.N. 302109
Zion. 302109


Location Postcode
Ameienghowan 302102
Estate 302102
Evbuogun 302102
Iguiyase 302102
Iguoriakhi Farm 302102
Iguoriakhi Upland 302102
Iguoriakhi Water Side 302102
Ikpoba 302102
Ora I 302102
Ora II 302102
Osse River Rubber 302102
Settlement 302102


Location Postcode
Gbelebu 302105
Gbelemonten Water Side 302105
Gebelemonten Upland 302105
Iguagbado 302105
Jide Inland 302105
Jide Upland 302105
Kale Camp 302105
Kehide Camp 302105
Lawson Camp 302105
Madagbayo 302105
Madoti 302105
Ofineyege 302105
Okadeye 302105
Okomu-Ijaw 302105
Okua 302105
Saforogbo 302105
Ubayaki 302105
Ugbe-Sango 302105
Ugbokua 302105


Location Postcode
Eko-Eyuyu 302103
Etete 302103
Iguafole 302103
Igueze 302103
Iguokolor 302103
Iguowan 302103
Okomu Oil 302103
Okosa 302103
Udo 302103
Udo-Aken 302103
Ugolo 302103
Urhezen 302103


Location Postcode
Adebayo Camp 302106
Aden I & II 302106
Agbonokhua (Ikale Camp) 302106
Akrakuan 302106
Ekuremu Camp 302106
Evbonogbon 302106
Iguobanor 302106
Ikoha 302106
Jamijie 302106
Nikrowa 302106
Ofunmwengbe 302106
Okponha 302106
Osa Village 302106
Osedere 302106
Sakazioo 302106
Sule Camp 302106
Ugbo I & II 302106
Ugbogui I 302106
Ugbogui II 302106


Location Postcode
Akpororo Camp 302104
Camps 302104
Essi 302104
Iguekahen 302104
Iguelaho 302104
Lakalolo 302104
Obobaifo 302104
Ogunwake I & II 302104
Ojomu 302104
Sayo 302104
Ugbokua 302104
Umaza 302104


Location Postcode
Aideyanba 302107
Iguedo 302107
Leleji 302107
Obomen Camp 302107
Ofaran Camp 302107
Ogidigbo 302107
Ogunmwenyin 302107
Okha 302107
Okhue Camp 302107
Okoro I 302107
Oladaro 302107
Olorin 302107
Usen 302107

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