Ado-Ekiti Postal Code (Ado-Ekiti LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ado-Ekiti Postal Code (Ado-Ekiti LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Ekiti State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ado-Ekiti local government area of Ekiti State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ado-Ekiti.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ado-Ekiti Postal Code (Ado-Ekiti Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ado-Ekiti (an area/region in Ekiti State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ado-Ekiti municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ado-Ekiti Postal Codes for Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Ado Ekiti Town Postal Code

Location Postcode
Oke-Aso 360101
Ernfun 360101
Igim Okogo 360101
Igirigiri 360101
Ika 360101
Ika 360101
Ikewo 360101
Ilokun 360101
Iranse 360101
Ireje 360101
Oke Epa 360101
Ago Aduloju 360101
Ago Araromi 360101
Ajebamidele 360101
Amirin 360101
Aso Ayegbule 360101
Ategbado 360101


Location Postcode
Aremo St. 360271

Cocoa Development Unit Area

  Location Postcode
Agriculture Palm Pr. 360241
Agriculture Rd. 360241
Aro Layout 360241
Ifedoju Rd. 360241
Layout Rd. 360241
Mathew St. 360241
Omolayo Rd. 360241

Federal Polytechnic

Location Postcode
2nd Ave. 360231
3rd Ave. 360231
4th Ave. 360231
Aba Igbira Rd. 360231
Alokan Cl. 360231
Federal Polytechnic 360231
Ifedoju Rd. 360231
Layout Rd. 360231

Fehintola Estate

 Location Postcode
Adebayo Lane 360281
Adeparusi Rd. 360281
Ajayyi Rd. 360281
Bishop’s Court Lane 360281
Dr’s Quarters 360281
Fasuau Cl;. 360281
Gaeway Rd. 360281
Ilari Rd. 360281
J & M Lane 360281

Falegan Estate

  Location Postcode
Aladesanmi Layout Rd. 360251
Bishops Rd. 360251
Falegan Estate Rd. 360251
Olebola Rd. 360251
Work Rd. 360251


 Location Postcode
Ajagba Cl. 360261
Akintayo Rd. 360261
Aremu St. 360261
Oke Ayegburi Lane 360261
Okurume St. 360261
Omisinla Rd. 360261
Orerewu St. 360261
Ogbo Oba St. 360261
Ugbein St. 360261


Location Postcode
Ajegunle St. 360221
Ajiboye Lane 360221
Idolofin St. 360221
Iyere Rd. 360221
Mathew St. 360221
Ogbontitun St. 360221


Location Postcode
Ilokun Ilokun 360213
Are Rd. 360213
Iworoko Rd. 360213


All locations within Mine-Campu make use of 360282 as their postcode.

Olora’s Palace Area

  Location Postcode
Adeowa Lane 360212
Ajayi Lane 360212
Ayemi Rd. 360212
Olora’s palace Rd. 360212
Spaceage Rd. 360212


Location Postcode
1st Avenue Avn. 360211
2nd A venue Avn. 360211
3rd Avenue Avn. 360211
5th Avenue Avn. 360211
6th Avenue Avn. 360211
Adeowa Lane 360211
Dallimore Rd. 360211
Fajuyi Lane 360211
Ila St. 360211
Jubilee Akintoye Rd. 360211
Little by Little Rd. 360211
Naira and Kobo 360211
Okorodo Odun St. 360211
Ulara St. 360211

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