Nkanu East Postal Code (Nkanu East LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Nkanu East Postal Code (Nkanu East LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Enugu State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Nkanu East local government area of Enugu State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Nkanu East.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Nkanu East Postal Code (Nkanu East Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Nkanu East (an area/region in Enugu State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Nkanu East municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Nkanu East Postal Codes for Enugu State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Aniyi 40111
Enuvu-Egu 40111
Oicha-Agu 40111
Okeani 40111
Omuno 40111
Osu 40111
Ukkwukani 40111
Umu Okpara 40111
Umunevo 40111

Amechi Idodo

Location Postcode
Eziama 402117
Uzama 402117


Location Postcode
Amagu 402113
Amaofia 402113
Isiogbo 402113
Umuaja 402113
Umueragu 402113
Umueze 402113
Umuiba 402113
Umuokpalagene 402113


Location Postcode
Akanfu 402115
Amankanu 402115
Emuoku 402115
Ezi Nkerefi 402115
Ezinachu 402115
Ezza Nkerefi 402115
Ihuagbu 402115
Ihuagu 402115
Ihuawako 402115
Ihuokpara 402115
Imeoha 402115
Iruka 402115
Isinga 402115
Mbanaocha 402115
Mburubu 402115
Obodo Agbulu 402115
Obodoukwu 402115
Obunu 402115
Obuoffia 402115
Onueke 402115
Umueze-Awk 402115
Umuezeoche 402115
Umuikan 402115
Umunama 402115
Umuogbui 402115
Umuogodi 402115


Location Postcode
Amaigbo 402114
Amukabi 402114
Imama 402114
Uhuafor 402114
Uhuoji 402114
Umuchukwu 402114


Location Postcode
Ikeokparogba 402119
Ngwubo 402119
Omuno 402119


Location Postcode
Amaeke 402116
Eziobodo 402116
Isiewu 402116
Ndiaguagu 402116
Obinagu 402116
Ohuani 402116


Location Postcode
Asisi 402118
Emene 402118
Isiagu 402118
Ndiagu 402118
Ogala 402118
Ohuani 402118


Location Postcode
Amafor Ugbawka 4022112
Amauzam 4022112
Isigwe 4022112
Onu Orie 4022112

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