Uzo-Uwani Postal Code (Uzo-Uwani LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Uzo-Uwani Postal Code (Uzo-Uwani LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Enugu State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Uzo-Uwani local government area of Enugu State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Uzo-Uwani.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Uzo-Uwani Postal Code (Uzo-Uwani Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Uzo-Uwani (an area/region in Enugu State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Uzo-Uwani municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Uzo-Uwani Postal Codes for Enugu State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Amanyi 411125
Apapam 411125
Enugu 411125
Owereze 411125
Uba 411125
Umuogbogwu 411125
Uruku 411125
Uwenuokpe 411125


Location Postcode
Ama-Etiti 411113
Amaogbo 411113
Amaokwe 411113
Amoku 411113
Ibagwa 411113
Obunagu 411113
Ozulume 411113
Umedolu 411113
Umueze-Akwu 411113
Umuezeke 411113
Umuotugbo 411113


Location Postcode
Ajuona 411117
Akutala 411117
Eziama 411117
Iyiekeniga 411117
Ofesi-Okpu 411117
Onueke 411117
Uwenuakpa 411117


Location Postcode
Umunjom 411120
Amaogbo 411120
Nkokpe 411120
Ohe 411120
Umugwuyama 411120
Umuinye 411120


Location Postcode 
Amoye 411116
Obianu 411116


Location Postcode
Akwulu 411115
Asado 411115
Ojulo 411115


Location Postcode
Akpamaya 411124
Amogbo 411124
Ekwulu 411124
Isiyiareji 411124
Mgwoko 411124
Onu-Ofu-Owerre 411124
Onu-Ofu-Umuoma 411124
Opanda 411124
Ugwuijoro 411124
Ukpabi 411124
Unasi 411124


Location Postcode
Amaezike 411122
Nkpunator 411122
Ugwugo 411122
Ugwuonyishi 411122
Umuobira 411122
Uwani 411122


Location Postcode
Amudala 411112
Eji-Nkume 411112
Ujolodu 411112
Umunu 411112


Location Postcode
Ajayigbo 411126
Ofumu 411126
Okpara 411126
Umuamuna 411126
Umudesue 411126
Umuoyo 411126


Location Postcode
Atida 411119
Nkanu 411119
Ofuegbe 411119
Okpotopu 411119
Onaja 411119
Ukpele 411119


Location Postcode
Umu-Ekeyi 411118
Umu-Ogbochi 411118
Umuame 411118
Umuasaba 411118
Umuitodo 411118


Location Postcode
Orba 411123
Owenu-Ori 411123
Ujaju 411123
Umu-Asa 411123
Umuayo 411123
Umueze 411123
Umukpakar 411123
Uwani 411123
Uwani-Eriyi 411123
Uwenu-Onyishi 411123
Isi-Uvuru 411123
Isiama 411123
Itakwuna 411123
Ngwokwa 411123
Nkpunator 411123
Afokuje 411123
Ama-Ikwu 411123
Ama-Ogidi 411123
Amaiseke 411123
Asnienyi 411123
Enugu-Ada 411123
Enuagu 420119
Ifite-Ora 420119
Umu-Agunwoke 420119
Umu-Nokwam 420119
Umuemem 420119


City Postcode (ZIP)
Achalla Oda 411114
Amufi 411114
Ugwudimu 411114
Umudi-Ugwu 411114
Umudingwuke 411114
Umueze Amunna 411114
Umueze-Amokwulu 411114
Umuezengwu 411114
Umumbosi 411114
Umuogu 411114
Umuonyia 411114


Location Postcode
Akiyi 411111
Akwunitor 411111
Amagu 411111
Amofu 411111
Amulu 411111
Enugu-Uwani 411111
Eziora 411111
Imama 411111
Mgbogbo 411111
Nkwelle 411111
Odida 411111
Ukpatu 411111
Umuezeugwu 411111
Umumasi 411111
Umuogene 411111
Uwani 411111


Location Postcode
Amono-Utokpu 411121
Inama 411121
Ogwu-Umudia 411121
Okasibi 411121
Ugbene 411121
Umuntu 411121
Utoamaka 411121
Uvuru-Ani 411121


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