Ikeduru Postal Code (Ikeduru LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ikeduru Postal Code (Ikeduru LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Imo State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ikeduru local government area of Imo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ikeduru.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ikeduru Postal Code (Ikeduru Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ikeduru (an area/region in Imo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ikeduru municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ikeduru Postal Codes for Imo State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Abazu 461102
Obinnekel 461102
Umuezekom 461102
Umuiyi 461102
Umuiyi-Ukwa 461102
Umuohia 461102


Location Postcode
Amaohiara 461111
Amuzu 461111
Egbelu 461111
Obodo 461111
Umueze 461111
Umuofor 461111
Umuri 461111


Location Postcode
Amaoba 461107
Amaochari 461107
Ofo-Obodo 461107
Ogwu 461107
Umualumagwa 461107
Umuaririogu 461107
Umuduruoma 461107
Umuechem 461107
Umuelum 461107
Umuezizi 461107
Umugana 461107
Umukebo 461107
Umuobasi 461107
Umuoleru 461107
Umuonunka 461107
Uzoiyi 461107

Akabo Amatta

Location Postcode
Abazu 461102
Obinnekel 461102
Umuezekom 461102
Umuiyi 461102
Umuiyi-Ukwa 461102
Umuohia 461102


Location Postcode
Amachara 461103
Amato 461103
Amaudara 461103
Obama 461103
Owalla 461103
Umushievule 461103


Location Postcode
Amachi 461108
Amambara 461108
Ogada 461108
Owuzo 461108
Umuagwu 461108
Umuchime 461108
Umuigwe 461108
Umuopa 461108


Location Postcode
Amaeke 461110
Amanunu 461110
Okpuala 461110
Umuakpim 461110
Umuawom 461110
Umuokoro 461110
Umuori 461110
Umusi 461110


Location Postcode
Amaeke 461105
Oziri 461105
Umuoti 461105
Umuoziri 461105

Ngogu/Ikem Bala

Location Postcode
Amasa 461106
Ekuem 461106
Ndi-Okwu 461106
Ochicha 461106
Oke-Ikpo 461106
Udor/Ochani 461106
Umuabali 461106
Umuahunanya 461106
Umuaruke 461106
Umuzor 461106


Location Postcode
Akwuli 461112
Ndioji 461112
Oba 461112
Ofikoche 461112
Ogada 461112
Umuamadi 461112
Umuchime 461112
Umuduruebo 461112
Umuezem 461112
Umumgeke 461112
Umumkpehi 461112
Umunnohu 461112
Umuochem 461112
Umuodom 461112
Umushihie 461112


Location Postcode
Dimodu 461104
Duruagwu 461104
Duruaro 461104
Durueje 461104
Durueneriji 461104
Duruyeome 461104
Kwagide/Duruebo 461104
Ndama 461104
Ndiokwu 461104
Oparaire 461104
Oree/Oyime 461104
Uhuataowere 461104


Location Postcode
Abo 461109
Amambar 461109
Obokwe 461109
Umuagwu 461109
Umualumaku 461109
Umuehichie 461109
Umuelumaku 461109
Umueme 461109
Umueze 461109
Umueziogwu 461109
Umunkpeyi 461109
Umuomii 461109

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