Mbaitoli Postal Code (Mbaitoli LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Mbaitoli Postal Code (Mbaitoli LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Imo State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Mbaitoli local government area of Imo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Mbaitoli.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Mbaitoli Postal Code (Mbaitoli Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Mbaitoli (an area/region in Imo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Mbaitoli municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Mbaitoli Postal Codes for Imo State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Akatta 461121
Amakpu 461121
Amaocha 461121
Ihitte 461121
Obibiokwu 461121
Umuahiaami 461121
Umuezike 461121
Umuokwe 461121


Location Postcode
Obaba 461118
Obuoka 461118
Ogwa 461118
Otura-Amaigbo 461118
Otura-Ukwu 461118
Umuduruafor 461118
Umuekpu 461118
Umuele 461118
Umufere 461118


Location Postcode
Amafor 461114
Nkwesi 461114
Nwaorieubi 461114
Uba/Amazu 461114
Umuagwuoche 461114
Umutaku/Umungwo 461114


Location Postcode
Achi 461115
Amaike 461115
Amankuta 461115
Amaulu 461115
Awo 461115
Azioha 461115
Ebon 461115
Obazu 461115
Obilubi 461115
Obokwe 461115
Ohohia 461115
Ubakwu 461115
Ummomumu 461115
Umuagwu 461115
Umuahii 461115
Umuchoke 461115
Umudagu 461115
Umuduru 461115
Umunjam 461115
Umuobom 461115
Umuodu 461115
Umuonyali 461115


Location Postcode
Amaegbu 461117
Eziome-Ogbaku 461117
Ishokpa-Obibi 461117
Lawa-Ogbaku 461117
Ohobo 461117
Okpuala 461117
Umuabagwo-Obibi 461117
Umuaku 461117
Umuawaka-Okwu 461117
Umudogu 461117
Umueze 461117
Umugama-Ogbaku 461117
Umuokpu 461117
Umuyazi-Nsokpo 461117
Uzele 461117


Location Postcode
Abazu 461122
Amaeke 461122
Amankwo 461122
Ekereazu Ogwa 461122
Idem-Ogwa 461122
Idem-Ukwu I & II 461122
Idune 461122
Igweocha 461122
Ihihe Ogwa 461122
Ndiuhu 461122
Oburo 461122
Ochii 461122
Oluokwu 461122
Umuanu 461122
Umuarisi 461122
Umuaro 461122
Umuarogo 461122
Umueze 461122
Umueze-Alakpa 461122
Umuezealaeze 461122
Uru 461122
Uymuegbu Ogwu 461122


Location Postcode
Ahaba 461120
Amaku 461120
Amaukwu 461120
Eziama 461120
Odumaa 461120
Ofekata 461120
Okwu 461120
Ubaha 461120
Umuonyahu 461120


Location Postcode
Ahana 461116
Amaubulu 461116
Egbeada 461116
Obokpu 461116
Ohuba 461116
Ohum 461116
Umuabali 461116
Umuocha 461116
Umuojinnka 461116


Location Postcode
Emeabiam 461119
Isieke 461119
Umudu 461119
Umudurundom 461119
Umukanama 461119
Umumbala 461119
Umuokparafor 461119
Umuokparaoma 461119

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