Nwangele Postal Code (Nwangele LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Nwangele Postal Code (Nwangele LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Imo State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Nwangele local government area of Imo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Nwangele.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Nwangele Postal Code (Nwangele Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Nwangele (an area/region in Imo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Nwangele municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Nwangele Postal Codes for Imo State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Amadi 471125
Duruiheeko 471125
Ebikpe 471125
Eziosuala 471125
Nkwonyikwu 471125
Odenaguma 471125
Odu 471125
Okwenafa 471125
Umuarawode 471125
Umubenelu 471125
Umudim 471125
Umuduru 471125
Umuduruafo 471125
Umuduruehe 471125
Umuduruire 471125
Umuduruokoro 471125
Umuezeala 471125
Umuezealaeke 471125
Umuezealaihu 471125
Umuezealaofor 471125
Umugwudu 471125
Umuike 471125
Umunabala 471125
Umuocha 471125
Umuohe 471125
Umuokwara 471125
Umuokwaran-Yanwu 471125
Umuokwem 471125
Umuome 471125
Umuonyimo 471125
Umuozuo 471125


Location Postcode
Amukwe 471121
Mbara 471121
Okwaradimnasu 471121
Okwaradum 471121
Okwesi 471121
Orinaosa 471121
Oteke 471121
Umudim 471121
Umuduruagwu 471121
Umuezealaibe 471121
Umuonuma 471121
Umuotukwu 471121
Umuozuliri 471121


Location Postcode
Abali/Anyam 471124
Eluowere 471124
Ezealaopi 471124
Ezeobolo 471124
Nduhu 471124
Obodo 471124
Ofeahia 471124
Otunna 471124
Umuagwoke 471124
Umuakwaraofo 471124
Umuanya 471124
Umuba/Umudurule 471124
Umuda 471124
Umudike 471124
Umudim 471124
Umudumagu 471124
Umudurji 471124
Umuduru-Oha 471124
Umuduruagrishi 471124
Umudurueze 471124
Umudurugwonu 471124
Umuduruigwe 471124
Umuduruobi 471124
Umuduruobiaku 471124
Umueze 471124
Umuezealanwoke 471124
Umukabia 471124
Umukwaraoha 471124
Umuleke 471124
Umuode-Umuanu 471124
Umuokwaramadu 471124
Umuruofo 471124
Umuwobube 471124


Location Postcode
Abbo 471122
Amuziii 471122
Umualaoke Umurlu 471122
Umudiweugo 471122
Umudurioke-Umueze-Umuorlu 471122
Umuezeala 471122
Umuezealaofor 471122
Umuezealarioha-Umugada 471122
Umunabala 471122
Umunnakara 471122
Umuobasi 471122
Umuopara 471122
Umuoparadim 471122
Umuoparaiheoma 471122
Umuora 471122
Umuosbasi 471122


Location Postcode
Ekifiafor 471123
Umuchoke 471123
Umudurhie/Dureze 471123
Umuokwuome 471123

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