Ohaji/Egbema Postal Code (Ohaji/Egbema LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ohaji/Egbema Postal Code (Ohaji/Egbema LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Imo State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ohaji/Egbema local government area of Imo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ohaji/Egbema.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ohaji/Egbema Postal Code (Ohaji/Egbema Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ohaji/Egbema (an area/region in Imo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ohaji/Egbema municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ohaji/Egbema Postal Codes for Imo State, Nigeria.

Assa Obile

Location Postcode
Awoma 464115
Idigele 464115
Umugama 464115
Umuikwo 464115
Umuobodo 464115
Umuosu 464115
Uzoara/Mgbirichi 464115

Assa Obile

Location Postcode
Igburu -Awara 464117
Ikwerrede 464117
Oshia-Awarra 464117


Location Postcode
Abaccheka 464113
Abaezi 464113
Aliocha 464113
Ekpe -Oforole 464113
Ekpe -Umudike 464113
Ekpe -Umuoji 464113
Ekpe-Ekugba 464113
Ekpe-Etekwuru 464113
Ekpe-Mbara 464113
Ekpe-Obokofia 464113
Ekugba 464113
Elua 464113
Etekwuru 464113
Isiugbo 464113
Iyika 464113
Mgbara 464113
Mmahu 464113
Nkpataku 464113
Nwaro 464113
Obiakpu 464113
Obibi 464113
Obigbo 464113
Obizi 464113
Obokofia 464113
Obom-Uku 464113
Oborottu 464113
Oforola 464113
Ojiukwu 464113
Opuoma 464113
Ose Abacheke 464113
Ose Orji 464113
Ose-Mmahu 464113
Ubaba 464113
Ubomukwu 464113
Ugada 464113
Ukwugbe 464113
Umuodike 464113
Utu 464113


Location Postcode
Abakuru 464118
Amakohia 464118
Amaokwu-Makohia 464118
Umuaro-Mgbirichi 464118
Uzuuba-Magbirichi 46411


Location Postcode
Obeama 464111
Umuakpu 464111
Umukpo 464111
Umuofeke 464111
Umuomi 464111


Location Postcode
Aro 464112
Mgbala 464112
Obudi 464112
Uba 464112


Location Postcode
Adapalm-settlement 464114
Afor-Amafor 464114
Alake 464114
Amafor-Obokwu 464114
Eziama 464114
Eziobojwe 464114
Ihumuonuma 464114
Obnogwu 464114
Obobi 464114
Obokwu-Amafor 464114
Obora 464114
Ohabele-Ohoba 464114
Umuagwu 464114
Umuerim 464114
Umugologo 464114
Umukpo 464114
Umukpoche 464114
Umuodu 464114
Umuokem 464114
Umuome 464114
Umuoroma-Obosima 464114


Location Postcode
Akanu 464119
Azuahia 464119
Ehizaobide 464119
Eveulukwu-Obitti 464119
Ibikiri 464119
Ihieama 464119
Illile-Mgbuisii 464119
Lemeadem-Umuapu 464119
Nguma 464119
Nkarahu 464119
Obitto-Rubber-Est 464119
Oburugo 464119
Odiribo 464119
Ogburu 464119
Ozoma-Ukwu-Umuap 464119
Umagbukiga-Etioha 464119
Umuadu 464119
Umuagu 464119
Umuagwo 464119
Umuagwu-Megbuosii 464119
Umuaku-Etiho 464119
Umuba 464119
Umubowu 464119
Umuchime 464119
Umudako-Umuagho 464119
Umuduko Umuagwo 464119
Umudum 464119
Umuezenworaa 464119
Umuezuta 464119
Umuhaja 464119
Umuheja 464119
Umukene 464119
Umunwauba-Efioha-Effioha 464119
Umuodu-Ono Umuapu 464119
Umuogbuanua – Umuagwo 464119
Umuokochi – Umuapu 464119
Umuonu – Magbisii 464119
Umuosu -Mgbissi 464119
Waterside-Settlement 464119


Location Postcode
Orduga 464116
Umuobogwo 464116
Umuokpoke 464116
Umuokuzu 464116
Umuoloo 464116

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