Roni Postal Code (Roni LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Roni Postal Code (Roni LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Jigawa State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Roni local government area of Jigawa State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Roni.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Roni Postal Code (Roni Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Roni (an area/region in Jigawa State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Roni municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Roni Postal Codes for Jigawa State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Kaganto 705104
Shafe 705104
Zurai 705104
Kari 705104
T-Arewa 705104
Zuru Makera 705104
Kari Mai Wande 705104
T-Gabas 705104
Karofin Tsamiya 705104
Tabanni 705104
Kaya 705104
Tsakani 705104
Kayalwa 705104
Ung. Dashi 705104
Korau 705104
Ung. Dunyi 705104
Korayel 705104
Ung. Fulani 705104
Kwadage 705104
Ung. Rogo 705104
Kwaita 705104
Wailare 705104
Luda 705104
Yalde 705104
Makadi 705104
Yankazi 705104
Mamudawa 705104
Yankewa 705104
Rumawa 705104
Yola 705104
S-Gari 705104
Zagabu 705104
Jigawa 705104
Sauma Sainawa 705104
Zugai 705104
A-Fulani 705104
F-Habe 705104
Aborawa 705104
Firjin Yamma 705104
Amaryawa Haba 705104
Fulani 705104
Baniyaka 705104
Fumuma 705104
Bashe Habe 705104
Galoru 705104
Billar F 705104
Gangare 705104
Billas 705104
Gidan Dawa 705104
Bula 705104
Gora 705104
Buntusu 705104
Guntai 705104
Ciki Kaini 705104
Gwiwa 705104
Dabawa 705104
Jabiyana 705104
Dabi 705104
Jakanga 705104
Dagal 705104
Jama a 705104
Dage 705104
Jandutse 705104
Dantaimu 705104
Jangefe 705104
Darina 705104


Location Postcode
Ung. Ashe 705103
Zugai 705103
Redi 705103
Ung. Bundau 705103
Roni 705103
Ung. Gamyi 705103
S-Gari 705103
Ung. Maji 705103
Sakaina 705103
Ung. Malamai 705103
Sankau 705103
W-Fulani 705103
Shaoa 705103
Wailare Bugaje 705103
Share Gari 705103
Walawa 705103
Shatare 705103
Warpawa 705103
Shinfida Fulani 705103
Wuddi 705103
Tabaris 705103
Yan Kwalli 705103
Takwardawa 705103
Yanzaki 705103
Tama 705103
Zangana 705103
Tinmkishi 705103
Zanguna 705103
Tsubut 705103
Zaumar Mahauta 705103
Tunas 705103
Zazzagawa 705103
Dangadi Maimarina 705103
Gerawa 705103
Kurman Runa 705103
Pandako 705103
Dansala 705103
Gezawa 705103
Kurneji 705103
Dansure 705103
Gimi 705103
Kwanyawa 705103
Dantaimu 705103
Gora 705103
Kwarare 705103
Daragi 705103
Hinningere 705103
Kwatsatsa 705103
Datsa 705103
Jama sa 705103
Lemaru 705103
Daurawa 705103
Jawo Sanda 705103
Ljela 705103
Diddigau 705103
Jigawa 705103
Mahuta 705103
Dinya 705103
Kanawa 705103
Maje 705103
Faifeku 705103
Karama 705103
Makauraci 705103
Faran Barinje 705103
Karo 705103
Makero 705103
Furtawa 705103
Karshi 705103
Mako 705103
Gadare 705103
Kuka Tsaye 705103
Maraganta 705103
Gallan Kyau 705103
Kulgure 705103
Marke 705103
Gasakoli 705103
Kurayai 705103
Mkere 705103
Dan Abzin 705103
Gauraye Duwigi 705103
Kurket 705103
Nanumawa 705103
Amaryawa 705103
Bakin Jangal 705103
Bamau 705103
Baragumi 705103
Basana 705103
Bashe 705103
Bazara 705103
Bugaje 705103
Bula 705103
Burna Ruwa 705103
Dabawa 705103
Dadin Sarki 705103
Dagasawa 705103
Daleji 705103
Damalawa 705103

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