Argungu Postal Code (Argungu LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Argungu Postal Code (Argungu LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Kebbi State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of ARGUNGU local government area of Kebbi State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in ARGUNGU.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our ARGUNGU Postal Code (ARGUNGU Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in ARGUNGU (an area/region in Kebbi State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around ARGUNGU municipal/Local government area.

See below for all ARGUNGU Postal Codes for Kebbi State, Nigeria.

Argungu Town


Location Postcode
Alungwanje Rd. 861231
College of Education 861231
Dangulumbe Rd. 861231
Emir’s Palace 861231
General Hospital 861231
Gulma Rd. 861231
Gwazange Police Station 861231
K.A.R.D.A. 861231
Ministry of Commerce 861231
New Juma’at Mosque 861231
NIPOST/NITEL Office 861231
Sama Secondary School 861231
Sarkin Gobir Rd. 861231
Sub-Treasury 861231
Water Board 861231

Kokani South

Location Postcode
Area Court 861214
Bayawa Rd. 861214
Fishing Village 861214
Kanta College 861214
L.G. Education Authority 861214
Matan Fada Rd. 861214
Ministry of Justice 861214
Ministry of Works (Zonal Office) 861214
Prison Service 861214
Stirling Company (Yard) 861214

Kokani North

Location Postcode
Argungu Central Mkt 861241
Argungu Local Government Sect. 861241
Forestry 861241
Government Estate Qtrs 861241
Grand Fishing Hotel 861241
Kanta College Staff Qtrs 861241
Kyanga Rd. 861241
Local Government Qtrs 861241
NEPA 861241
NYSC Zonal Office 861241
Turaki Rd. 861241

Magajin Rafi

Location Postcode
Argungu Community Bank 861261
Dankoji Primary School 861261
M.T.D. Police Station 861261
Magajin Rafi Constituency 861261
Motor Park 861261
Old Prison 861261
Veterinary Office 861261
Yar Dole 861261


Location Postcode
Central Mosque 861281
Fadama By-pass (mala) 861281
Kabanci Display (Kanta Bridge) Rd. 861281
Kanta Museum 861281
Kofar Tudu 861281
Mairawa Area 861281
Mannar Kaura 861281
MCH Old Post Office 861281
Muhammadu Mera Rd. 861281
Old Radio 861281
Samaila Rd. 861281

Garkar Jatau

Location Postcode
Garkar Didi Rd. 861271
Garkar Jatau 861271
Kanta Rd. 861271
Kwanur Mutuwa 861271
Sabon Gari 861271
Sarkin Gobir Rd. 861271
Yar’adua Rd. 861271

Argungu rural areas

Location Postcode
Alwasa 861101
Bachaye 861101
Bela 861101
Dabiri 861101
Filinde 861101
Gottomo 861101
Gulma 861101
Jada 861101
Kadubba 861101
Marafa 861101
T- Maidawa 861101
T- Marina 861101
Tasumbulai 861101
Ummara 861101
Unwara 861101


Location Postcode
Babgola 861102
Birnin Lafiya 861102
Gulma 861102
Kaura 861102
Sawwa 861102
T- Rairai 861102


Location Postcode
Baguni 861103
Dagini 861103
Danba 861103
Fakkai 861103
Galbi 861103
Ladafando 861103
Lailaba 861103
Leni 861103
Natsini 861103
Rumbuki 861103
Sakawa 861103
Sarkin Gobir 861103
T- Zazzagawa 861103
Yamama 861103
Yarkatanga 861103
Zazzagawa 861103

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