Ofu Postal Code (Ofu LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Ofu Postal Code (Ofu LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Kogi State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ofu local government area of Kogi State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ofu.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our OFU Postal Code (Ofu Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ofu (an area/region in Kogi State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ofu municipal/Local government area.

See below for all OFU Postal Codes for Kogi State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Gwalawo 271107
IGALA- 271107


location postcode
Eyele II 271109
Ukpo 271109
Ichapia 271109
Utagidi 271109
Itobe 271109
Ofegede 271109
Ofoke 271109
Ofoyi 271109
Ogboyaga 271109
Ojimaji 271109
Ojoma 271109
Okogba 271109
Okokenyi 271109
Olokudu 271109
Egbala 271109
Opitechia 271109
Egonicha 271109
Otebu 271109
Emicheje 271109
Ubewo 271109
Eyele 271109
Ugbedu 271109
Adebu 271109
Adumu 271109
Adumuje 271109
Agbenema 271109
Agula 271109
Ajango 271109
Ajegwu 271109
Ajo 271109
Akunuba 271109
Allo 271109
Arokpa 271109
Ataneguma 271109


Location Postcode
Ofogu 271108
Ugbokonoko 271108
Ogbagebe 271108
Uleja 271108
Ogbulu 271108
Ogene-Zaria 271108
Ogonicha 271108
Ojo 271108
Ojuwo 271108
Okagu 271108
Laia-Ogugu 271108
Okele 271108
Lokoja 271108
Okotete 271108
Obedomagu 271108
Okpadodo 271108
Ochadamu 271108
Okura 271108
Ochadegbe 271108
Okura-Ogwalala 271108
Ofante Omojo 271108
Omodeda 271108
Ofanti-Ojone 271108
Onicha-Igo 271108
Offabo 271108
Ugbamaka 271108
Akpopo 271108
Ejukulu 271108
Alahha 271108
Ejule 271108
Alaji 271108
Erewa 271108
Alla 271108
Iboko 271108
Alloma 271108
Igalaogwa 271108
Alobi 271108
Ijabe 271108
Alodo 271108
Imagba 271108
Alojura 271108
Inekpe 271108
Aloko 271108
Aloma 271108
Amuna 271108
Aneke 271108
Abejukolo 271108
Boko 271108
Agojeju 271108
Efaku 271108
Agugu 271108
Egbagbenebe 271108
Akopo 271108
Egube 271108


Location Postcode
Ogegume 271106
Ugbabo 271106
Ojedegbe 271106
Ugwolawo 271106
Ojigba 271106
Umoni 271106
Ojodu 271106
Ojuwo 271106
Ojuwo-Omachi 271106
Ojuwolo 271106
Okabo 271106
Ofakaga 271106
Okpa 271106
Ofanwa 271106
Okpe 271106
Ofejiji 271106
Okpotume 271106
Ofokapi 271106
Olichekpe 271106
Ofolijiawa 271106
Olofu 271106
Ofolikpa 271106
Olukudu 271106
Oforachi 271106
Owalla 271106
Ogbagbo 271106
Ude 271106
Adikahane 271106
Ikalaba 271106
Ahi 271106
Ikpalaka 271106
Aja-Kechi 271106
Kukumaji 271106
Ajoda 271106
Memerebo 271106
Akpagidigbo 271106
Obagada 271106
Akpameta 271106
Obagwu 271106
Akpodo 271106
Obubu 271106
Alijobo 271106
Ochadam 271106
Aloji 271106
Ayeye 271106
Ebuyaji 271106
Idoma 271106
Igaojo 271106
Igebije 271106
Ijogo 271106
Ikagbo 271106

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