Edu Postal Code (Edu LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Edu Postal Code (Edu LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Kwara State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of EDU local government area of Kwara State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in EDU.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our EDU Postal Code (EDU Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in EDU (an area/region in Kwara State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around EDU municipal/Local government area.

See below for all EDU Postal Codes for Kwara State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Ladan 243101
Ndeji 243101
Wariku 243101
Lafiagi 243101
Nnayintu 243101
Wede 243101
Lagaworo 243101
Obale 243101
Wodata 243101
Lata 243101
Pututa 243101
Wudzu 243101
Lema Woro 243101
Sabagiwa 243101
Yawu 243101
Lemo 243101
Sabo 243101
Yelewa 243101
Likpata 243101
Sabo II 243101
Yibah 243101
Lukpete 243101
Sange 243101
Yikpata 243101
Macha 243101
Shekwati 243101
Zambufu 243101
Magani 243101
Shesiti Dangawa 243101
Kpasha Eitsu Yankpa 243101
Maganike 243101
Sita Abah 243101
Kpashaeltsu Yawkpa 243101
Maiyaki 243101
Swasungi 243101
Kpoton Ward 243101
Make-Dawu 243101
Tandu 243101
Kpotunko 243101
Manke 243101
Tawake 243101
Kpotunworo 243101
Mijinitagi 243101
Toga 243101
Kuke 243101
Ndakodi 243101
Upandawaki Ward 243101
Dawo 243101
Funti 243101
Gudusuru 243101
Duba 243101
Gagara 243101
Guya-Sede 243101
Dubagi 243101
Gamale 243101
Guye-Dadi 243101
Dzanagan 243101
Gamalegi 243101
Guye-Deke 243101
Dzara I 243101
Ganagagi 243101
Kimpa 243101
Dzara II 243101
Ganagagi Maiyaki 243101
Kokodo 243101
Dzara III 243101
Ganagagi-Kologbo 243101
Korabo I 243101
Ebangi 243101
Gawagagi Ndejin 243101
Korabo II 243101
Bokungi 243101
Edogi 243101
Gbadi 243101
Korabo III 243101
Bommasu Ward 243101
Edogi-Dukun 243101
Gbake 243101
Kpangulu 243101
Borogun 243101
Efa-Gi 243101
Gbarigi 243101
Ceke 243101
Effan 243101
Gbogbu 243101
Cewuru 243101
Effan Shaaba 243101
Gbondagi 243101
Chatta 243101
Eke 243101
Gbowoagi 243101
Chekugi 243101
Esu 243101
Gede I 243101
Chikangi 243101
Falada 243101
Gede II 243101
Anfani 243101
Anfanifagi 243101
Babagina 243101
Bacita Swasun 243101
Baganke 243101
Bedekie 243101
Binla 243101
Bishewa 243101


Location Postcode
Tada 243102
Takemwangi 243102
Taruku 243102
Tode Worogi 243102
Ndatsadu 243102
Tsakpata 243102
Ndeji Ward 243102
Tsunfeneti A 243102
Obagbara 243102
Tsunfeneti B 243102
Ogudu 243102
Tsungenetic C 243102
Pati Okun 243102
Yinagi 243102
Sanchitagi 243102
Sha -aba Ward 243102
Shigan 243102
shonga 243102
Soko Alabe 243102
Suteneti 243102
Emiworogi 243102
Kocegi 243102
Mayakifu 243102
Etsu Kolle 243102
Kpandaragi Worogi 243102
Ndabata Patiji 243102
Faigi 243102
Kpatake 243102
Ndabata Take 243102
Chakyagi 243102
Faigi Banzamin 243102
Kpilegi 243102
Ndace Baba 243102
Chetta Bure 243102
Faigi Emiman 243102
Kpotan Ward 243102
Ndakansa Liman 243102
Chetta Mayaki 243102
Gbere 243102
Kubeji 243102
Chiji 243102
Gbere Edu Issa 243102
Machita 243102
Chikangi 243102
Gbere Maafu 243102
Madkansa Bonkwa 243102
Chita 243102
Gbere Nabigi 243102
Makwagi 243102
Dmmagi 243102
Gbere Sonlawa 243102
Mamuga 243102
Dumagi 243102
Gbore Ndaceko 243102
Manadzkwakwa 243102
Dyadya Ningi 243102
Gecegugu 243102
Manfu 243102
Ekikobe 243102
Giragi 243102
Manuga 243102
Emi Ndake Finweza 243102
Gunbaji 243102
Manuga A 243102
Emiga 243102
Kanke 243102
Manuga B 243102
Emikpangi 243102
Kanshi 243102
Mayaki Ward 243102
Bakpata 243102
Buke 243102
Bussu 243102


Location Postcode
Obadowa 243103
Shagari 243103
Obaduwa I 243103
Sodegi 243103
Paliduin 243103
Sokun Kpan B 243103
Paracita 243103
Sokunkpan 243103
Pategi 243103
Sokunpanc 243103
Patidanu 243103
Tangbere Patike 243103
Patigi Adewe 243103
Tangborogi 243103
Patigi Samaru 243103
Tsakpata 243103
Patigizuwa 243103
Tunku 243103
Patike 243103
Ungwa Hausawa 243103
Patiko 243103
Wote Gwawe 243103
Range Ndakukwa 243103
Yabatagi 243103
Range Tsaagba 243103
Yawma Kokonna 243103
Sabo Bacita 243103
Sabon Gida 243103
Nnkpe Nupeko 243103
Sedegba 243103
Gbodeyeluwa 243103
Kochitate 243103
Marara 243103
Gbpde Yaluwa 243103
Kosomunu 243103
Mawegi 243103
Gidan Malfan 243103
Kpace Jiya 243103
Mawfu Chikan 243103
Ginda 243103
Kpandaragi 243103
Nati 243103
Gondagi 243103
Kpotun Ward 243103
Nbagada 243103
Gulufa Isowa Audu 243103
Kuntukpa 243103
Ndabigi I 243103
Gungbawaba 243103
Letswa 243103
Ndabigi II 243103
Gunugi 243103
Maako 243103
Ndaceke 243103
Ielle Bata A 243103
Magani Aliya 243103
Ndafa Taake 243103
Juma 243103
Magani Gbagunta 243103
Ndafa Tifin 243103
Kachita 243103
Majindu 243103
Ndagba 243103
Kandarifu 243103
Mamu 243103
Ndajola Ward 243103
Kange Elsudangama 243103
Mandzurugi 243103
Ndalati 243103
Gbaduna 243103
Kange Ndadama 243103
Manfu 243103
Ndanini 243103
Gbagunta 243103
Kangelalukpan 243103
Mangohota 243103
Ninguba 243103
Gbere 243103
Karati Sode 243103
Manguru 243103
Ankoro 243103
Emiwaroji 243103
Ankoro Hausawa 243103
Emiworogi 243103
Baata Village 243103
Emoworogi 243103
Bacita 243103
Erugi 243103
Badzufu Patike 243103
Esanshi 243103
Belle 243103
Eyeforogi 243103
Beribe 243103
Fadundangi 243103
Bokuwgi 11 243103
Fawagun 243103
Boribe 243103
Fawjewa Bokungi 243103
Dada A 243103
Galofa 243103
Dada B 243103
Gandaji 243103
Dudugi Late 243103
Gbabata 243103
Dugbangi 243103
Gbadagun 243103
Edogi Tswachi 243103
Emidebiwa 243103
Emigbaziti 243103

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