Ikorodu postal or zip codes

Ikorodu is one of the major cities/towns in Lagos State, Nigeria. It is under Ikorodu Local Government Area (LGA).

It is made up of several locations that make use varying postal or zip codes.

Here are the postcodes for locations within Ikorodu town:

Postal Code for Ikorodu Town

Area Postcode Type
Ikorodu 104001 Facility
Abule Abon 104222 Urban
Dagbolu 104225 Urban
Eyita 104231 Urban
Federal Lowcost Housing Estate 104233 Urban
Isale I 104212 Urban
Isawo 104224 Urban
Lambo Lasunwom Village 104232 Urban
Lowa Estate 104213 Urban
Oba Ayangunris’s Palace 104211 Urban
Ogolonta 104214 Urban
Ori Okuta 104223 Urban
Owutu 104221 Urban

Oba Ayangunris’s Palace Postal Code

Areas located within Oba Ayangunris’s Palace make use of 104211.

Isale I Postal Code

Loctions within Isale I make use of 104212.

Lowa Estate Postal Code

Areas within Lowa Estate make use of 104213.

Ogolonta Postal Code

Streets located in Ogolonta use 104214.

Owutu Postal Code

Areas within Owutu use 104221.

Abule Abon Postal Code

Steets located in Abule Agbon use 104222.

Ori Okuta Postal Code

Locations within Ori Okuta make use of 104223.

Isawo Postal Code

Areas located in Isawo use 104224.

Dagbolu Postal Code

Communities within Dagbolu use 104225.

Eyita Postal Code

Communities situated within Eyita use 104231.

Lambo Lasunwom Village Postal Code

Areas within Lambo Lasunwom Village use 104232.

Federal Lowcost Housing Estate Postal Code

Areas within Federal Lowcost Hosing Estate of Ikorodu use 104233.

Ikorodu Rural Areas zip code (Lagos State)

Location Postcode
Parafa Alagemo 104101
Poro Ojuolugbo 104101
Ogudugbu 104101
Ojogbe 104101
Oke Afa 104101
Oke Egan 104101
Oke Ijebu 104101
Oke Oko 104101
Okelisa 104101
Okokoro 104101
Olorunda 104101
Omi Igo 104101
Orimedu Oloye 104101
Akanum 104101
Idi Orogbo 104101
Maya Village 104101
Aleke 104101
Igbaga 104101
Mopelifa 104101
Araromi Ikorodu 104101
Igbo Olomu 104101
Mowo Kekere 104101
Abule Oba 104101
Bagidan 104101
Ijomu 104101
Mowo Nla 104101
Abule Okuta 104101
Dagbolui 104101
Imagbon 104101
Odogunyan 104101
Aga 104101
Ebute Iga 104101
Imota 104101
Agbaga Araromi 104101
Ebute Itasin 104101
Isiu 104101
Agbala 104101
Ebute Malete 104101
Itamagba 104101
Agbede 104101
Eginrin 104101
Itaniope 104101
Agbede Agbaje 104101
Elepete 104101
Itele 104101
Agbede Alase 104101
Erikorodo 104101
Laketu 104101
Agodo Kekere 104101
Ewenla 104101
Ligbodu Ikorodu 104101
Agodo Nla 104101
Ewu Balogun 104101
Logun Logun 104101
Agura Ikorodu 104101
Gbadi 104101
Losi Oba 104101
Ajana 104101
Gberigbe 104101
Majoda 104101
Ajepadi 104101
Idafa Ajeregun Idirogbo 104101
Maya Nla 104101
Abe Abo 104101
Abule Ajeregun 104101
Abule Igbira 104101


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