Mokwa Postal Code (Mokwa LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Mokwa Postal Code (Mokwa LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Niger State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of MOKWA local government area of Niger State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in MOKWA.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our MOKWA Postal Code (MOKWA Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in MOKWA (an area/region in Niger State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around MOKWA municipal/Local government area.

See below for all MOKWA Postal Codes for Niger State, Nigeria.

Kede Mokwa

Location Postcode
A. Aliyi 913103
A. Aliyu 913103
A. Ibrahim 913103
A. Moh. Haya 913103
Afugi 913103
Agatu 913103
Alh. Saidu 913103
Bade 913103
Banda 913103
Batagi 913103
Batangi 913103
Camp 913103
Cida Adua 913103
Cikangi 913103
Dakogi 913103
Dakungi 913103
Dalachi 913103
Denfa Kuso 913103
Dikko 913103
Edan 913103
Edolusa 913103
Edugi 913103
Egbagi 913103
Ekpagi 913103
Epa 913103
Esunginda 913103
Foti 913103
Fulani 913103
Ganamaru 913103
Gbatagi 913103
Gbogifu 913103
Gboto Alfarma 913103
Gudugi 913103
Gunduko 913103
Haruna Honad 913103
Ibba 913103
Irrigation 913103
Jangi 913103
Jebba 913103
Jedan Life 913103
Jiffu 913103
Kagowogi 913103
Kapataki 913103
Karogi 913103
Kodan 913103
Koshaba 913103
Koso Tsun 913103
Kpacita 913103
Kpaki 913103
Kpata Nku 913103
Kpetagi 913103
Kukpanti 913103
Kusoko Kota 913103
Labozhi 913103
Ladefu 913103
Lafiyagi 913103
Lafiyagi Ebigi 913103
Lafu 913103
Mahhanci 913103
Mai Saje 913103
Makatar S. 913103
Mamma Yagba 913103
Mamman Loko 913103
Mawogi 913103
Mureji 913103
Musa Giwa 913103
Mutari 913103
Muwo 913103
Ndafu 913103
Ndafu Hausawa 913103
Ndamaga 913103
Ndanawu 913103
Neieupa 913103
Nwogi 913103
Nyafu Olu 913103
P/Shaba Kolo 913103
Pati Zhiko 913103
Rabba Mokwa 913103
Rakun 913103
Sheshi Shaba 1 913103
Sheshi Shaba 2 913103
Takuma 913103
Tama Ai 913103
Tanapa 913103
Tatabu 913103
TEKpagi 913103
Tsafa 913103
Tswanle 913103
Tuna Hausawa 913103
Tunga 913103
Tyabo 913103
U/Hakimi 913103
Umaru 913103
Umaru M. 913103
Ungwar Dakari 913103
Usman Bukka Tusman Hakimin 913103
Wadat Uman 913103
Yahwa 913103

Mokwa town

Location Postcode
Alj. Maikumbo 913104
Arma 913104
Bado 913104
Bali 913104
Batagi 913104
Bia Agi Eyi 913104
Bijagi 913104
Bokani 913104
Bukka 913104
Cattle Ranch 913104
Dakpan 913104
Egangi 913104
Ekwa 913104
Ezhi 913104
Fadegi 913104
G/Mai Bitagi 913104
Gbajibo 913104
Gunjigi 913104
K/Bokun 913104
Kagogi 913104
Kalema 913104
Kaniyan 913104
Kpakiko 913104
Kudu 913104
Kumigi 913104
Lafiyagi 913104
Magun 913104
Maraba II 913104
Marraba 913104
Mile-One 913104
Mokwa 913104
Ndayako 913104
Ngpe Camp 913104
Saw Mill 913104
Shika 913104
T/Alh. Musa 913104
T/Jirgi Gari 913104
Tab Gidan I 913104
Tika 913104
Tswakwagi 913104
Tung Dukawa 913104
Tuntuntiko 913104
Wa Abim Azhi 913104
Yakede Fimaye 913104
Yalwa Zab 913104

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