Paikoro Postal Code (Paikoro LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Paikoro Postal Code (Paikoro LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Niger State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of PAIKORO local government area of Niger State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in PAIKORO.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our PAIKORO Postal Code (PAIKORO Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in PAIKORO (an area/region in Niger State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around PAIKORO municipal/Local government area.

See below for all PAIKORO Postal Codes for Niger State, Nigeria.

Kafin Koro

Location Postcode
Abolo 920104
Adunu 920104
Agwa 920104
Baani 920104
Beji 920104
Beni 920104
Bukpasi 920104
Chimbi 920104
Danda 920104
Egwa 920104
Feri 920104
Fiene 920104
G. Bahago 920104
G. Garuba 920104
G. Gejere 920104
G. Gwari 920104
Gakoro 920104
Gbajawi 920104
Gwato 920104
Ishau 920104
Jibi Gida 920104
Jpamako 920104
Kafinkoro 920104
Kakuri 920104
Kamarini 920104
Kapadna 920104
Kuchiribi 920104
Kuchis 920104
Kudere 920104
Kuka 920104
Kumin Gwa 920104
Kunukunu 920104
Kurshi 920104
Kutikwa 920104
Kwagana 920104
Kwakuau 920104
Kwatuti 920104
Miye 920104
Nabw 920104
Nanati 920104
New Angnanpa 920104
New Dakolo 920104
Pinai 920104
S. Gbusami 920104
Shapkere 920104
Shaudna 920104
T. Amale 920104
T. Dndu 920104
T. Samari 920104


Location Postcode
Amini 920103
Baidna 920103
Bakajiba 920103
Bambe 920103
Buti 920103
Chapa 920103
Chawagi 920103
Chawnara 920103
Chefe 920103
Damago 920103
Damawopon 920103
Dankele 920103
Danu 920103
Dogon Ruma 920103
Dugba 920103
Eloigi 920103
Essan 920103
Farindoki 920103
Fenaleta 920103
Fide 920103
For a 920103
Gangare 920103
Gbam 920103
Gbansegodan 920103
Gbeite 920103
Gbodna 920103
Gemi 920103
Guada 920103
Gugo 920103
Guto 920103
Gwali 920103
Gwam 920103
Gwara 920103
Gwari 920103
I. Komo 920103
Isan 920103
Isari 920103
Jatau 920103
Jatayi 920103
Jedna 920103
Jere 920103
Jinboi 920103
Kaikuta 920103
Knatu 920103
Kuchisara 920103
Kwachi 920103
Kwakuti 920103
Kwanpi 920103
Laitapi 920103
Latuto 920103
Lukochi 920103
Lukopi 920103
M. Yaro 920103
Mikweji 920103
Mkuchi 920103
Mugi 920103
Mukapa 920103
Muye 920103
Nago 920103
Nagopita 920103
Ndayma 920103
Nubipe 920103
Nusupi 920103
Paiko 920103
Panshe 920103
Peta 920103
Pisiyingbo 920103
Raboji 920103
Ratati 920103
S. Gwari 920103
Sabo Gida 920103
Sala 920103
Sapai 920103
Seita 920103
Sesita 920103
Shai 920103
T/Mago 920103
T/mallam 920103
Takumpara 920103
Tanu 920103
Tau 920103
Tutungo 920103
Wabe 920103
Yida 920103
Zaje 920103
Zuru 920103

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