St. Andrews ZIP Codes

St. Andrews ZIP codes is S0K, S0L and S0M. This municipality is located in the Saskatchewan province, Canada, North America.

Name Rural Municipality of St. Andrews
Postal Code S0K, S0L, S0M
Province Saskatchewan (SK)
Country Canada
Continent North America

For more details on the list of Postal codes or ZIP codes in St. Andrews, find the code along with the place.

ZIP Code for St. Andrews, SK

Place Postcode Municipality
Ardath S0L 0B0 St. Andrews
Arelee S0K 0H0 St. Andrews
Asquith S0K 0G6, S0K 0J0 St. Andrews
Battleford S0M 0E0, S0M 0C2 St. Andrews
Biggar S0K 0M0, S0K 0C1 St. Andrews
Cando S0K 0H5, S0K 0V0 St. Andrews
Conquest S0L 0B4, S0L 0L0 St. Andrews
Delisle S0L 0P0, S0L 0A1 St. Andrews
Delmas S0M 0P0 St. Andrews
Dinsmore S0L 0T0, S0L 0A3 St. Andrews
Duperow S0K 1L0 St. Andrews
Fiske S0L 1C0 St. Andrews
Grandora S0K 0J7, S0K 1V0 St. Andrews
Harris S0L 0E8, S0L 1K0 St. Andrews
Herschel S0L 1L0, S0L 0C1 St. Andrews
Kinley S0K 2E0 St. Andrews
Macrorie S0L 0G1, S0L 2E0 St. Andrews
Milden S0L 0B5, S0L 2L0 St. Andrews
Perdue S0K 0A8, S0K 3C0 St. Andrews
Rosetown S0L 0B6, S0L 2V0 St. Andrews
Sonningdale S0K 4B0 St. Andrews
Sovereign S0L 0E1, S0L 3A0 St. Andrews
Springwater S0K 4E0 St. Andrews
Stranraer S0L 0C9, S0L 3B0 St. Andrews
Tessier S0L 3G0 St. Andrews
Vanscoy S0L 0E7 St. Andrews
Wiseton S0L 0E9, S0L 3M0 St. Andrews
Zealandia S0L 0A9, S0L 3N0 St. Andrews

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