Ewekoro Postal Code (Ewekoro LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Ewekoro Postal Code (Ewekoro LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Ogun State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ewekoro local government area of Ogun State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ewekoro.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ewekoro Postal Code (Ewekoro Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ewekoro (an area/region in Ogun State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ewekoro municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ewekoro Postal Codes for Ogun State, Nigeria.

Itori Postal Code, Ewekoro: 112106

Location Postcode
Abalabi 112106
Abese 112106
Abule Ado 112106
Ade aga 112106
Adopele 112106
Adunbu Bose 112106
Afewowa 112106
Aga olowo 112106
Agbamaya Isale 112106
Agbamaya Oke 112106
Agbesi 112106
Agbon 112106
Agodo 112106
Aiyepe 112106
Ajanbata 112106
Ajegunle 112106
Ajipatutu 112106
Akakun 112106
Ake 112106
Akimbo 112106
Akinale 112106
Akinbiye 112106
Akinjolo 112106
Akinyele 112106
Akirikan 112106
Alawusa 112106
Algbon 112106
Apode Sapode 112106
Aposu 112106
Araromi 112106
Arigbajo 112106
Arogo 112106
Asa 112106
Asa Abule Egba 112106
Asa obintin 112106
Asa oke oke 112106
Asa Olowo 112106
Asipa 112106
Ass Palolo 112106
Atola 112106
Atototan 112106
Awade 112106
Awu 112106
Ayinla 112106
Ayodere 112106
Babalawo 112106
Balagbe 112106
Balogun isaga 112106
Bayee 112106
Egbado Ajegunle 112106
Ejio 112106
Elegbata 112106
Elere Adubi 112106
Elobuto 112106
Eloyele 112106
Eruka 112106
Ewekoro 112106
Fasola 112106
Gudugba 112106
Idi aga 112106
Idiroka 112106
Idole 112106
Igbani awosegbe 112106
Igbani ojo 112106
Igbin Oloya 112106
Ijuma Ologboni 112106
Ika 112106
Ikeja 112106
Ikereku 112106
Ikija 112106
Ilawo 112106
Irenpa 112106
Isaye 112106
Iseku 112106
Ishopin 112106
Isofin orile 112106
Isola 112106
Itori 112106
Itori Alase 112106
Iwokun Nia 112106
Iyede Balogun 112106
Jagua 112106
Jaguna 112106
Jaguna village 112106
Kajola 112106
Karieran 112106
Kenta 112106
Kewu 112106
Koboro 112106
Lafunke 112106
Lala 112106
Lambo 112106
Loti 112106
Lufedo 112106
Mataka 112106
Mokelu 112106
Mosan 112106
Mose 112106
Mose Balogun 112106
Obada 112106
Ogbaga 112106
Ogbere obanlade 112106
Ogunsola 112106
Ogunsola Oke 112106
Ogunsolu 112106
Ojo 112106
Oke 112106
Oke Lemo 112106
Oke Nia 112106
Oke Oke Egbado 112106
Oko oko sokoni 112106
Okun 112106
Olapeleke 112106
Olowo Papa 112106
Olowo Railway station 112106
Olu Agun 112106
Olugbesan 112106
Olujebi 112106
Oluko 112106
Olukobi 112106
Olupe Gbelu 112106
Oluwaji 112106
Ona Ara 112106
Onibotujo 112106
Onigbedu 112106
Onigbodu 112106
Onikooko 112106
Ontoye 112106
Opeyeke 112106
Orimoleye 112106
Oteyi Alagbede 112106
Oteyi Olokuta 112106
Otunaa 112106
Owo Railway station 112106
Owowo village 112106
Pade 112106
Papa ifo 112106
Papalanto 112106
Pata Abiodun 112106
Pataleri 112106
Sango Jinmi 112106
Sangojimi 112106
Sapeti 112106
Sepeti 112106
Sideji 112106
Siga Bayede 112106
Siga opalola 112106
Siwunmi 112106
Soderu 112106
Sojuolu 112106
Sokan 112106
Sologun 112106
Sopade 112106
Sule 112106
Temu 112106
Tobo 112106
Wasimi 112106
Wasimi Alaafia 112106
Wasimi Elefon 112106
Wsimi 112106
Yobe 112106

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