Ifo Postal Code (Ifo LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Ifo Postal Code (Ifo LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Ogun State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ifo local government area of Ogun State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ifo.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ifo Postal Code (Ifo Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ifo (an area/region in Ogun State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ifo municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ifo Postal Codes for Ogun State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Aboro 112107
Oke-Aro 112107
Aboro Town 112107
Ope-Ilu 112107
Adalemo Ope-Ilu 112107
Oredegbe 112107
Adiyan 112107
Ota 112107
Adubaleja Ojuelegba 112107
Owonikoko 112107
Agbado Railway Station 112107
Powerline 112107
Ago Alagbede 112107
Robiyan 112107
Enilolobo 112107
Sango 112107
Folarin Olaore 112107
Ibaragun 112107
Ikuponiyi Afonta 112107
Isaga Town 112107
Isale 112107
Itoki 112107
Kongo 112107
Obafewmi 112107


Location Postcode
Pakoto 112104
Power line 112104
Saw-Mill 112104
Senokan 112104
Seriki 112104
Sogunle 112104
Solu 112104
Sonde 112104
Soyinka Alaga 112104
Tigbo-Ogun Town 112104
Ibogun Egbeda 112104
Janbu 112104
Oniyamo 112104
Ibogun Fasina 112104
Kajola 112104
Opo 112104
Ibogun Fayolu 112104
Kajola Railway Station 112104
Orile Ifo Town 112104
Awe-nla 112104
Ibogun Giwa 112104
Lerin 112104
Osoba 112104
Ayede 112104
Ibogun llugboro 112104
Oba Oseni 112104
Ososun 112104
Baamu 112104
Ibogun Odejimi 112104
Obasa 112104
Balogun 112104
Ibogun Odeyemi 112104
Ojusango Town 112104
Bungalo – Ifo 112104
Ibogun Olaogun 112104
Okenla 112104
Coker Town 112104
Ibogun Sowunmi 112104
Olomu 112104
Ebiti 112104
Ibogun Sunlola 112104
Oloparun 112104
Ekundayo 112104
Ifote 112104
Olorunsogo 112104
Epoto 112104
Igbogun 112104
Olose 112104
Ibgun Oderinlo 112104
Iiepa 112104
Olowo 112104
Ibogun Adina 112104
Inogun Olaoparun 112104
Oluomo 112104
Ibogun Akinode 112104
Inogun Osugboye 112104
Omitoro Balogun 112104
Ibogun Balogun 112104
Jagunna 112104
Onihale 112104
Abekoko – Ifo Town 112104
Asani 112104
Abeloju 112104
Awe Akinde 112104
Abepaki 112104
Awe Alapapo 112104
Abudu 112104
Abule Ogun 112104
Adegbite 112104
Aderenle Town 112104
Agbegise 112104
Agosi Estate 112104
Akinhami 112104
Akinside 112104
Alapako Oke 112104
Alapako Sogunje 112104
Alapoti 112104
Araromi Quqters 112104
Asagun 112104

Ojoolu Postal Code: 112105

Location Postcode
Ade Oni Estate 112105
Adigboloya 112105
Ishan-Olofin 112105
Mowere Town 112105
Ojoolu Abiodum Town 112105
Ojoolu Abiodun Town 112105
Wanwa 112105
Yakoyo 112105

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