Odeda Postal Code (Odeda LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Odeda Postal Code (Odeda LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Ogun State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Odeda local government area of Ogun State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Odeda.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Odeda Postal Code (Odeda Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Odeda (an area/region in Ogun State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Odeda municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Odeda Postal Codes for Ogun State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Ojebiyi 110123
Ola 110123
Owu 110123
Ijemo -Fadipe 110123
Ikija 110123
Itesi Lijigun 110123
Itoku 110123
Lersin – Olorode 110123
Ntoji 110123
Odebo 110123
Ogundipe 110123
Abakuyamo 110123
Akia 110123
Alagbagba 110123
Amini Awo 110123
Araromi 110123
Baba- Pupa 110123
Balogun – Ilawo 110123
Elegunmefa 110123


Location Postcode
Abidogun 110124
Oota 110124
Adao 110124
Seriki 110124
Agurodo 110124
Tejoun 110124
Ajilete 110124
Alabata 110124
Baka 110124
Balekan 110124
Court 110124
Egbeda 110124
Erinle 110124
Fagbohun 110124
Famii 110124
Imala 110124
Oba 110124
Odunbaku 110124
omitogun 110124


Location Postcode
Oniyanrin 110111
Yisa 110111
Adedapo 110111
Olokemeji 110111
Adewusi 110111
Olokun 110111
Ajagbe 110111
Olowo 110111
Ajobo 110111
Onireke 110111
Akonko 110111
Alaghaa 110111
Daodu 110111
Efon 110111
Fadipe 110111
Ilugun 110111
Kila 110111
Kugba 110111
Ladipo 110111
Oguntolu 110111
Okiriojule 110111
Olofin 110111


Location Postcode
Aderupoko 110120
Odelaitan 110120
Aganrere 110120
Ogunda 110120
Anifamu 110120
Olori 110120
Apena Kemta 110120
Papa – Oja 110120
Araomi 110120
Segile 110120
Awowo 110120
Yakoyo 110120
Balogun 110120
bantun 110120
Edila 110120
Emulu 110120
Ese Oke 110120
Iyanbu 110120
Kebo 110120
Keere 110120
Lalemi 110120
Ntoji 110120


Location Postcode
Aaya 110121
Obantoko 110121
Akingbade 110121
Olubo 110121
Anigilaje 110121
Sobeyi 110121
Apena 110121
Tirinmi 110121
Aregbe 110121
Eleweran 110121
Ijebu 110121
Iligun 110121
Ilupapu – Alagbede 110121
Iyanbu 110121
Kangudu 110121
Lakiri 110121
Legua 110121
Leso 110121
Morekete 110121
Obaasa 110121


Location Postcode
Orile Abaaka 110125
Oyan Dam 110125
Sikiru 110125
Ayoyo 110125
Bonuola 110125
Idi Emi 110125
Ihokoko 110125
Ijape 110125
Luhani 110125
Obete 110125
Odo – Erin 110125
Ogunmola 110125
Okedi 110125
Adebori 110125
Ajuba 110125
Apojola 110125
Arikola 110125
Ariwo 110125
Asipa 110125


Location Postcode
Agboke 110109
Ogunbayo 110109
Akogun 110109
Oluga 110109
Alayin 110109
Olugbo 110109
Anipupo 110109
Rogun Rogun 110109
Arege 110109
Sokan 110109
Eweje 110109
Idi -Obi 110109
Ilagbe 110109
Ile – Olu 110109
Itoko Elemide 110109
Lugbose 110109
Makuleri 110109
Oboskoto 110109
Odeda 110109
Ogboye 110109
Ogeleje 110109


Location Postcode
Otere Ogunkola 110122
Agbe 110122
Baagbon 110122
Bangboye 110122
Ego 110122
Fagbemi 110122
Ikija 110122
Ipora Oga 110122
Kereku 110122
Kesinro 110122
Ladojo 110122
Loosi 110122
Obo_ogunsola 110122
Oju -Ogun 110122
Olodo 110122
Olori 110122
Oluwa Kessi 110122


Locatoin Postcode
Adako 110110
Onigbogbo 110110
Adebori 110110
Oniyanrin 110110
Ajaro 110110
Opeji 110110
Amoje 110110
Asipa 110110
Fadage 110110
Gbotikale 110110
Idi Emi 110110
Ijo Agbe 110110
Ilawo 110110
Isope 110110
Kajola 110110
Lemo 110110
Mawuko 110110
Obe 110110
Olajogun 110110


Location Postcode
Ajan 110119
Ogboja 110119
Alabata Solotan 110119
Osiele 110119
Apakila 110119
Owe 110119
Apena 110119
Tesi Ajegunle 110119
Are 110119
Atepa 110119
Camp 110119
Egunre 110119
Idera 110119
Idi Aka 110119
Iporo Pooopla 110119
Isolu 110119
Itoko Ajegunle 110119
Iwo Ali 110119
Jagun Akinfenwa 110119
Odogba 110119

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