Yewa North Postal Code (Yewa North LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Yewa North Postal Code (Yewa North LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Ogun State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Yewa North local government area of Ogun State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Yewa North.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Yewa North Postal Code (Yewa North Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Yewa North (an area/region in Ogun State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Yewa North municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Yewa North Postal Codes for Ogun State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Yewa 111105
Yewa Drisu 111105
Idi Odan 111105
Odanle 111105
Saaka Orile 111105
Idigba Faremi 111105
Odunfa 111105
Sakere 111105
Idiigba 111105
Ogunseye 111105
Soleye 111105
Atokun 111105
Igbori 111105
Ojo 111105
Sunwa 111105
Babafa 111105
Ijan Okoto 111105
Oke Akanni 111105
Tunnda 111105
Babalasa 111105
Ijaye 111105
Oke Akanno 111105
Bamajo Arewu 111105
Ikoo Village 111105
Okundun 111105
Disu 111105
Isa Ope 111105
Olobi 111105
Edun Ejire 111105
Isa-Ogun Apapa 111105
Ologbogbo 111105
Elebutu 111105
Isanta 111105
Oloke – Ile 111105
Elega 111105
Jagbadarigi 111105
Olowonyo 111105
Elemo 111105
Jagode 111105
Omiragoro 111105
Elewuran 111105
Ketu 111105
Onibeji 111105
Erinpa Apensa 111105
Kobejo 111105
Opete 111105
Idi Aparan 111105
Kudaju Alagberekan 111105
Owuwu 111105
Idi Ata 111105
Obiri 111105
Popoola 111105
Abukle Agberiode 111105
Agboro Saagi 111105
Asipa 111105
Abule Adeyemi 111105
Agbowo 111105
Atan – Ajanaku 111105
Abule Agbede 111105
Ahan Village 111105
Atan – Atemole 111105
Abule Agbowogbo 111105
Ajayi 111105
Abule Alaga 111105
Ajegunle 111105
Abule Bolarinwa 111105
Ajibola Idigba 111105
Abule Iko 111105
Ajo 111105
Abule Obe 111105
Akimale 111105
Abule Oga 111105
Akinfenwa 111105
Abule Oke odo 111105
Akintayo Iliemo 111105
Abule olude 111105
Aladin 111105
Abulke Alagba 111105
Alaga 111105
Adedira 111105
Allagbaa 111105
Adegba 111105
Apata Atemola 111105
Adekajyb Church 111105
Ape Sin _Aibo 111105
Agboro Isanah 111105
Asate 111105


Location Postcode
Abule Ajama 111108
Egba Isaga Orita 111108
Komi Oba 111108
Abule Balogun 111108
Eleeyo 111108
Kudifi 111108
Abule Egba 111108
Farm Settlement 111108
Oke Odo 111108
Abule Ijesha 111108
Ibese 111108
Omilende 111108
Abule Imasai 111108
Iboro 111108
Orente 111108
Abule Oke 111108
Igbgila farm 111108
Orita 111108
Aga Odofin 111108
Igboeleke 111108
Owode 111108
Aje Rogun 111108
Igbogila 111108
Owoyele 111108
Ajibawo 111108
Iiewe 111108
Sawonjo 111108
Alaganju 111108
Ijake Orile 111108
Settlement Wasimi 111108
Aramrori 111108
Ijako Awaye 111108
Swonjo 111108
Araromi Abiodun 111108
Ijiko 111108
Wasinmi Imasayi 111108
Araromi Ilewo 111108
Isaga Abiodun 111108
Bad Elefu 111108
Isaga Oke 111108
Balogun 111108
Isaga Orita 111108
Egba Ilewo 111108
Jogga Orile 111108


Location Postcode
Moro 111109
Pedepo 111109
Mosan 111109
Refurefu 111109
Obele 111109
Seke 111109
Ogbe 111109
Yewa Mota 111109
Oja – Odan 111109
Ojugbele 111109
Iyalode 111109
Ojumo 111109
Iyana Meta 111109
Oke-Odo 111109
Kobejo 111109
Okoso 111109
Kobejo Abikanlu 111109
Ologiri 111109
Kobejo Aladura 111109
Oloparun 111109
Kodere 111109
Olosun 111109
Korole 111109
Opata 111109
Kusade 111109
Orebiyi 111109
Lanloku 111109
Owode Balogun 111109
Mere 111109
Papa Olosun 111109
Ajelende 111109
Ibeku 111109
Ileme 111109
Ajengula ibayin 111109
Igbeme Alabe 111109
Ilepa 111109
Akeru Abeobi 111109
Igbeme olude 111109
Iselu Orile 111109
Aleru Ajiboye 111109
Igbo Ogebe 111109
Isuku 111109
Abule Isu 111109
Apate 111109
Igbo Orile 111109
Isun 111109
Abule Lesse 111109
Asa 111109
Igbon 111109
Ita Kasia 111109
Abule Mulere 111109
Awe 111109
Igbooro Oke 111109
Abule Okele 111109
Baba Kekere 111109
Igho Timber Camp 111109
Abule Zachraus 111109
Bambola 111109
Ihumbe 111109
Adeisin 111109
Ebute -Igboro 111109
Ijege 111109
Afo – Nkaa 111109
Egbeda 111109
Ijoko Ase 111109
Agbele 111109
Gbogoru 111109
Ijoko Isale 111109
Agbo Ogede 111109
Gbokoto 111109
Ijoko Oke 111109
Agbon Ojodu 111109
Gotoko Isale 111109
Ijoko Orile 111109
Agbontedo 111109
Hauga 111109
Ile Alabe 111109
Ageru 111109
Ibayin 111109
Ile Igboro 111109
Abe Isin 111109
Abon Orile 111109
Abuke Idi 111109
Abule Aga 111109


Location Postcode
Imaa 111106
Orile Ijonu 111106
Imoto Orile 111106
Orisade 111106
Imoto Yewa 111106
Owode-Ketu 111106
Isa Ogun 111106
Sagbon 111106
Igan-Alade 111106
Iseiyoun 111106
Sagisa 111106
Igbimu 111106
Iwale 111106
Sowere 111106
Igbo-Aje 111106
Iyana-Agbere 111106
Tata 111106
Igbo-Iju 111106
Lasilo 111106
Tobolo 111106
Igbo-Nla 111106
Llodo 111106
Igbokofi 111106
Modeyo 111106
Igboofa 111106
Mokoya 111106
Ijaka Isale 111106
Ogunba Aiyetoro 111106
Ijaka Oke 111106
Oke 111106
Ijale-Ketu 111106
Oke-Eyo 111106
Ijeun 111106
Okeola 111106
Ika Orile 111106
Onilogbo 111106
Abule ketu 111106
Ibore Oke Ode 111106
Adekan 111106
Idan Iga 111106
Agbogbo 111106
Idi-Ori 111106
Akapo 111106
Idigbo 111106
Aruku 111106
Asaga 111106
Atan Efon 111106
Aworo Pedepo 111106
Ayerinde 111106
Dangi-dangi 111106
Eeja Orile 111106
Egba 111106
Eggua 111106
Falade 111106
Ibisi Idigbo 111106
Ibiyan 111106

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