Ilaje Postal Code (Ilaje LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Ilaje Postal Code (Ilaje LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Ondo State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ilaje local government area of Ondo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ilaje.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ilaje Postal Code (Ilaje Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ilaje (an area/region in Ondo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ilaje municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ilaje Postal Codes for Ondo State, Nigeria.

Aheri Kingdom

Location Postcode
Ipepe 352119
Mofehintokun 352119
Okesiri 352119
Olopo 352119
Temidire 352119
Ubalogun 352119
Zion pepe 352119
Ilefunfun 352119
Ipare 352119
Agbala Obi 352119
Agbala Olope Meji 352119
Agerige Zion 352119
Aheri Camp 352119
Ajebamidele 352119
Akata 352119
Ako Ira-Oba 352119
Alape Junction 352119
Araromi Sea-side 352119
Enu-Ama 352119
Idegbele 352119
Idigbengbin 352119
Igogun 352119
Ihapen 352119

Etikan Kingdom

Location Postcode
Agba Gana 352118
Obalende Etikan 352118
Uba Ropeda 352118
Ago Apeja 352118
Ode Etikan 352118
Uba Yellow 352118
Ago Buli 352118
Oja Igo Etikan 352118
Ago Egun 352118
Oja oje 352118
Ago Festus 352118
Oja Osho 352118
Ago Gbobaniyi 352118
Oja Temidire 352118
Ago Ijebu 352118
Oke Harama 352118
Ago Ikumapayi 352118
Okonla 352118
Ago Iwabi 352118
Okun Eikan 352118
Ago Lubi 352118
Ramasilo Etikan 352118
Ago Oluji 352118
Uba Agba 352118
Aiyetitun 352118
Uba Akobi 352118
Araromi Etikan 352118
Uba Domi 352118
Igbobi 352118
Uba Etikan 352118
Ikaji Etikan 352118
Uba Kalebari 352118
Moborode 352118
Uba Oke Kelian 352118
Iyara 352120
Okuru Camp 352120
Esenoko Camp 352120
Kafawe 352120
Olorunsola Camp 352120
Aboromeji 352120
Aboto Camp 352120
Ago 352120
Ago-Ogele 352120
Ago-Yellow 352120
Amayetigba 352120
Araromi 352120

Mahin Kingdom

Location Postcode
Maran 352117
Olosunmeta 352117
Tedo Camp 352117
Moferere 352117
Opolo 352117
Tomoloju 352117
Mogunyanje 352117
Orere – Ara 352117
Tomoloju Camp 352117
Motiala 352117
Oribero 352117
Ugbaha 352117
Motoro 352117
Orimoloye 352117
Zion Gbabijo 352117
Odun Oloja 352117
Orioke Iwamimo 352117
Zion Igbokoda 352117
Odun Oluma 352117
Oriranyin 352117
Zion Mahintedo 352117
Odun Oroyo 352117
Orofin Camp 352117
Zion Ogogoro 352117
Odunmogun 352117
Oropo Zion 352117
Ogorogo 352117
Oroyomi 352117
Ohaketa Camp 352117
Pete-Inu 352117
Ojan 352117
Piawo 352117
Oke Etigho 352117
Ramasilo 352117
Magbojuri 352117
Okishilo 352117
Seja Odo 352117
Mahin 352117
Okoga 352117
Seja Oke 352117
Mahintedo 352117
Okunniyi 352117
Seluwa 352117
Abealala 352117
Elegboro 352117
Imoluwa 352117
Abereke 352117
Ereke 352117
Ita – Age 352117
Aboto 352117
Ereke Majofodun 352117
Italita Camp 352117
Ago Doroh 352117
Ereke Makuleyi 352117
Itebukunmi 352117
Ago Ikuebolati 352117
Etigho 352117
Job Camp 352117
Ago Lulu 352117
Gbabijo 352117
Korolo 352117
Ago Olomidegun 352117
Ibila 352117
Kugbonre 352117
Akata 352117
Idigho 352117
Kurugbene 352117
Alagbede 352117
Igbegunrin 352117
Legha 352117
Aruwayo 352117
Igbo – Okuta 352117
Lerenren 352117
Asisa 352117
Igbobi 352117
Logede Camp 352117
Atijere 352117
Igbokoda 352117
Madagbayi 352117
Betiegbofo 352117
Igbolomi 352117
Magbehinwa 352117
Broke Camp 352117
Ikale Camp 352117
Ebute Ipare 352117
Iloro 352117
Ehin – Osa 352117
Ilu Sosi 352117

Ugbo Kingdom

Location Postcode
Odun Oyinbo 352116
Saheyi 352116
Odun Yonren 352116
Uba Korigho 352116
Ogbongboro 352116
Ubale 352116
Ogboti 352116
Ubale kekere 352116
Oghoye 352116
Ubale nla 352116
Ojumole 352116
Ugbage 352116
Okun ipin 352116
Ugbo 352116
Olotu 352116
Ugbonla 352116
Olotu kuwo 352116
Womi Tearen 352116
Obe Sedara 352116
Olotu wiye 352116
Yaye 352116
Odofado 352116
Olotu yara 352116
Zion Ikerigho 352116
Odonla 352116
Orioke Harama 352116
Zion Iluabo 352116
Odonla meduoye 352116
Oroto 352116
Odun Ogungbeje 352116
Otumara 352116
Odun ojabireni 352116
Otumare se- side 352116
Odun oriretan 352116
Owoleba 352116
Eke didi 352116
Ilowo 352116
Obe Iji 352116
Eke ilutitun 352116
Ilowo ayetoro 352116
Obe Jedo 352116
Eke itiola 352116
Ilowo Nla 352116
Obe Magbe 352116
Eke moki 352116
Ilowo ogunsemore 352116
Obe Nla 352116
Eke nla 352116
Iluabo 352116
Obe Ogbaro 352116
Eke ofolajetan 352116
Imoluwa 352116
Obe Olomore 352116
Eke yonren 352116
Jirinwo 352116
Obe Orisabinone 352116
Amehin 352116
Ernna ogbeni 352116
Lepe 352116
Obe Rebimino 352116
Apata ilaje 352116
Erunna 352116
Molutehin 352116
Obe Rewoye 352116
Asumaga 352116
Erunna lagbe 352116
Obe Adun 352116
Awoye 352116
Gbagara 352116
Obe akingboye 352116
Ayetoro 352116
Idogun 352116
Obe apata 352116
Bijimi 352116
Idogun ayadi 352116
Obe Arenewo 352116
Bowoto 352116
Idogun ehinmore 352116
Obe Dapo 352116
Eke atiye 352116
Ikorigho 352116
Obe Enikanselu 352116
Eke baale 352116
Ilepete 352116
Obe ifenla 352116
Abetobo zion 352116
Abokiti 352116
Ago Alufa 352116
Ago nati 352116
Ajegunle 352116
Alagbom zion 352116
Alagbon 352116

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