Ilesa Postal Code East & West (Ilesa East & West LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Ilesa Postal Code East & West (Ilesa East & West LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Osun State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ilesa East & West local government area of Osun State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ilesa East & West.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ilesa East & West Postal Code (Ilesa East & West Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ilesa East & West (an area/region in Osun State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ilesa East & West municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Ilesa East & West Postal Codes for Osun State, Nigeria.

Oke Iro

Location Postcode
Aayo St. 233251
Eregunrun St. 233251
Ijofi St. 233251
Isare St. 233251
Isora St. 233251
Obalogun St. 233251
Orogba St. 233251
Rogbo St. 233251

Federal Technical College

Location Postcode
Abiola Rd. 233224
Ijebu Jeza Rd. 233224

Oke Eso Igbaye

Location Postcode
Abiola v. 233223
Aud Pry Sch 233223
Ijoka Rd. 233223
Ogbon Okun 233223
T.A.C. Pry Sch 233223

Asoko Quarters

Location Postcode
Adebayo St. 233236
Ogbedu Plastic 233236


Location Postcode
African Church Grammar School 233285


Location Postcode
Altakumosa Market 233211
Library 233211
Owa Palace 233211
TBO 233211

Oke Ooye

Location Postcode
Arogbo St. 233231
Isare St. 233231
Iloro St. 233231

Irojo Quarters

Location Postcode
ATTC 233243
Daily Candle 233243
Sabo Market 233243

Ilesa LGA

Location Postcode
Awolowo Ave. 233215
Station 233215

Oromu Quarters

Location Postcode
B. C. M. 233262
Ife Rd. 233262
Primary Sch 233262
River Oba 233262

Old Akure Road

Location Postcode
Babalo Gram Sch 233227
C.A.C. 233227
Pond 233227
St. Lawrence Sch. 233227


Location Postcode
Biladu St. 233252
O.A.U. 233252
Oke Iro St. 233252


Location Postcode
Iroye St, 233232
C.A.C. 233232
Obokun Ave. 233232

Oke Opo Quarters

Location Postcode
C.A.C. High Sch 233253
Iyemogun Rd. 233253
Prison Yard 233253
Works Yard 233253

Araromi Okesa

Location Postcode
Catholic Rd. 233221
Ereguru St. 233221
Idifi St. 233221
Iloro St. 233221
Ogbon Okun St. 233221
Ogudu St. 233221

Oke omiru

Location Postcode
Omope Primary School 233283
Cooperative Store 233283
Osogbo Rd. 233283


Location Postcode
Court 233212
Isida St. 233212
Otapete St. 233212
Petrol Station 233212

Obokun High School

Location Postcode
Fashoro Ln. 233233
Muslim prayer Group 233233

Government Quarters

Location Postcode
G.R.A. Rd. 233263
Ife Rd. 233263


Location Postcode
Idasa 233281


Ifosan St. 233222
Ijamo St. 233222
Ilemo St. 233222
Ogbon Okun 233222
Okesa St. 233222

Abiola Ave.

Igboye St. 233225


Location Postcode
Ijoka St. 233213
Mp. 233213
Orinkinran St. 233213


Location Postcode
Ikoti Ln. 233282

Imo Quarters

Location postcode
Imo motor park 233226

Ilerin Quarters

Location Postcode
L.A. Pry. Sch 233242
Iperindo Rd. 233242


Location Postcode
Isokun St. 233214
L.A.School 233214
Methodist Sch 233214

leventis Agric Farm

Location Postcode
leventis Agric Farm 233235

Oke Ese

Location Postcode
Methodist Primary School 233271
Ogbonegbon St. 233271

General Hospital

Location Postcode
N.U.D.Primary School 233272
Ogedengbe Grammar School 233272

Ilaje Quarters

Location Postcode
Omope Primary School 233283
Cooperative Store 233283
Osogbo Rd. 233283

OSADEP Zonal Office

Location Postcode
OSADEP Zonal Office 233234


Location Postcode
Police Station 233261


Location Postcode
Adebayo St. 233241
Ogbedu Plastic 233241
Plank Mkt. 233241
Sport Stadium 233241

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