Akinyele Postal Code (Akinyele LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Akinyele Postal Code (Akinyele LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Oyo State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Akinyele local government area of Oyo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Akinyele.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Akinyele Postal Code (Akinyele Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Akinyele (an area/region in Oyo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Akinyele municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Akinyele Postal Codes for Oyo State, Nigeria.

Here are the postcode for Afijio

Ajibade / Alabata

Location Postcode
Agbedo 200135
Ajibade 200135
Akingbala 200135
Alabata 200135
Alagbaa 200135
Balogun 200135
Dabadango 200135
Elekuru 200135
Lakeye 200135
Olode 200135
Olorisa 200135
Onibon-Nla 200135


Location Postcode
Agbirigidi 200136
Ajobo 200136
Akingbala 200136
Akinjero 1 & II 200136
Akinyele 200136
Alagbaa 200136
Babalawo 200136
Iba 200136
Irepodun 200136
Isabiyi 200136
Solalu 200136

Arulogun / Ogbo Loyin

Location Postcode
Adebayo 200134
Agbongun 200134
Ajobo 200134
Akinaje 200134
Akinode 200134
Aroro 200134
Arulogun 200134
Atere 200134
Balogun 200134
Eniosa 200134
Igboloyin 200134
Ogunranti 200134
Olanla 200134
Oluwo 200134
Salako 200134


Location Postcode
Agbonrin 200137
Ajibode 200137
Atan Ojedele 200137
Atan-Nla 200137
Bamidele 200137
Fagbenro 200137
Fagunwa 200137
Idi-Aayan 200137
Ijaye Ajeja 200137
Iware 200137
Lalare 200137
Odunewu 200137
Ojedeji 200137
Olonitutu 200137
Saanu 200137
Sangobon 200137
Tola larumo 200137


Location Postcode
Agbagi 200139
Alade 200139
Alasoosun 200139
Atapa 200139
Ayepola 200139
Ekefa 200139
Elepo 200139
Faleye 200139
Idiapa 200139
Ikereku 200139
Ileyioku 200139
Labode 200139
Morowonaa 200139
Obada 200139
Ogbongari 200139
Ogunjinmi 200139
Ogunjinmi Egan 200139
Olanla 200139
Olunlosin 200139
Onikarahun 200139
Osayindeyi 200139
Oyada 200139


Location Postcode
Akinwumi 200140
Arikanki 200140
Fakore 200140
Igbagbo 200140
Iroko 200140
Motunde 200140
Olowogbo 200140
Onisigun 200140
Oretu 200140
Taiwo 200140


Location Postcode
Adeosun 200132
Ajibode 200132
Akobo 200132
Apapa 200132
Dabir 200132
Idi Ose 200132
Idi-Iroko 200132
Kajorepo 200132
Kakun 200132
Lanibe 200132
Mokankan 200132
Moniya 200132
Odogbo 200132
Ojoo 200132
Okeona 200132
Olomo 200132
Olugbode 200132
Onilabu 200132
Orogun 200132
Oyatola 200132
Sada 200132
Sasa 200132

Olode / Onidundu

Location Postcode
Abatan 200138
Adeogun 200138
Adifa 200138
Amosun 200138
Asania 200138
Idi Ori 200138
Ileba 200138
Ojerinde 200138
Olode 200138
Onidundu 200138
Onigbongbo 200138
Salako 200138
Togiri 200138


Location Postcode
Anisere 200133
Asani 200133
Ejitolu 200133
Elewintan 200133
Folarin 200133
Idi-Odan 200133
Mele 200133
Molarere 200133
Okegbemi 200133
Olorisaoko 200133
Oyodo 200133

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