Lagelu Postal Code (Lagelu LGA Postal/Zip Code)

Hello there! Welcome to NairaPostalCode, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Lagelu Postal Code (Lagelu LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Oyo State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Lagelu local government area of Oyo State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Lagelu.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Lagelu Postal Code (Lagelu Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Lagelu (an area/region in Oyo State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Lagelu municipal/Local government area.

See below for all Lagelu Postal Codes for Oyo State, Nigeria.

Lagelu LGA Zip Codes: 200101, 200103, 200108

Ejioku /Ile Igbon /Ariku

Location Postcode
Aba Edun 200101
Aboke 200101
Ariku 200101
Ejioku 200101
Elegbada 200101
Elekuru 200101
Eleyan Igbo 200101
Fagbemi 200101
Idi Akitiko 200101
Idi Igba 200101
Idi Ogun 200101
Idi Ogun Omowale 200101
Ile Igbon 200101
Olodogboro 200101
Oloja Oke 200101
Onigbede 200101
Onigbodo 200101
Oyagaga 200101
Oyediran 200101

Lagun / Aromona

Location Postcode
Aba Bale Olobo 200107
Aba Egan 200107
Akankan 200107
Aromona 200107
Bale-Oya 200107
Bolorunduro 200107
Lagun 200107
Laketu 200107
Lamuyan 200107
Ogburo 200107
Ogunjana 200107
Onilu 200107
Owode 200107

Lalupon / Iyana Offa

Location Postcode
Aba lgbira 200102
Akinsawe 200102
Gidi Gidi 200102
Idi Osan 200102
Iyana Offa 200102
Jagun Egan 200102
Lalupon 200102
Molepin 200102
Odo Oba 200102
Papa Gegede 200102
Sukuru 200102


Location Postcode
Aba Ogundipe 200104
Aba Oje 200104
Adedokun 200104
Ajimagbo 200104
Alawusa 200104
Aromona 200104
Balogun 200104
Dagi 200104
Elemu 200104
Ode Ote 200104
Offa Igbo 200104
Olokuta 200104
Wasimi 200104

Ogunremi / Ogunsina

Location Postcode
Alatare 200108
Eleruko 200108
Ogunremi 200108
Ogunsina 200108
Ogunsowo 200108

Olorunda/ Monatan

Location Postcode
Aba Alaropo 200103
Agoro 200103
Ajangboju 200103
Akobo 200103
Alapata 200103
Alegongo 200103
Arulogunehin 200103
Arun 200103
Asi 200103
Balogun 200103
Dosumu 200103
Elewuro 200103
Farinto 200103
Idi Araba 200103
Ijara 200103
Iyana Church 200103
Kasela 200103
Kelebe 200103
Leyland Area 200103
Monatan 200103
New Gbagi Market Area 200103
Olode 200103
Olodo 200103
Olorunda 200103
Olua 200103
Onikokoro 200103
Opeodu 200103

Oyedeji/Olode/ Kutayi

Location Postcode
Aaje 200106
Aba 200106
Apatere 200106
Kufli 200106
Kutayi-Alapa 200106
Ogo 200106
Ogunbode 200106
Olode 200106
Oyedeji 200106

Sagbe / Pabiekun

Location Postcode
Anifa 200105
Atiba 200105
Bangbola 200105
Farukan 200105
Isagede 200105
Kiremi 200105
Oteda 200105
Pabiekun 200105
Sagbe 200105

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