Okpe Postal Code | Okpe Postal LGA Postal/Zip Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Okpe Postal Code | Okpe Postal LGA Postal/Zip Code of Delta State Nigeria.

Good day and welcome to NairaPostalCode, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Okpe local government area of Delta State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Okpe.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Okpe Postal Code (Okpe Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Okpe, a region in Delta State.

See AlsoDelta State Postal Code

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Okpe municipal.

See below for all Okpe Postal Codes for Delta State, Nigeria.

Okpe Area Zip Codes

Location Postcode
Okuloho 330101
Okwukolo 330101
Uwagba 330101
Okumutakperuo 330101
Okwuvo 330101
Okuobonoe-temro 330101
Onyeke 330101
Okuogholo 330101
Opuraja 330101
Okuojuvru 330101
Orerokpe 330101
Okuokokor 330101
Osubi 330101
Okuokotie 330101
Otorighise 330101
Okuokpokper 330101
Oturu 330101
Okuomude 330101
Oviri Okpe 330101
Okuorokahayon 330101
Oviri-Court 330101
Okuosia 330101
Ovwori 330101
Okuotono Taire 330101
Owugbogbo 330101
Okuovwisi 330101
Ozebegbughu 330101
Okuovwori 330101
Temisa 330101
Okutemwo 330101
Ugolo 330101
Okuyeke 330101
Unuriuie 330101
Ajatitor 330101
London Okobia 330101
Okubaire 330101
Aragba 330101
Obamediare 330101
Okudiemo 330101
Arunuse 330101
Odjedi 330101
Okudiete 330101
Egbaghe 330101
Ohore 330101
Okuegban 330101
Egbega-Oviri 330101
Ojukeoyibo 330101
Okuekpehre 330101
Egbeleku 330101
Oketemowo 330101
Okuemoefe 330101
Egborode 330101
Okkwrjeba 330101
Okuep 330101
Ejemogha 330101
Okolovu 330101
Okuetolor 330101
Ekoko 330101
Okorhe 330101
Okuetuvo 330101
Emadogue 330101
Okozi 330101
Okuevbiarha 330101
Evwriyan 330101
Okuabude 330101
Okuevue 330101
Gugudu 330101
Okuafe 330101
Okufuoma 330101
Ibelefia 330101
Okuagbadia 330101
Okughele 330101
Ijakpa 330101
Okuajodo 330101
Okuigbinoba 330101
Ajagolo 330101
Iriam 330101
Okuavwaren 330101
Okuirerch 330101
Ajaguoyibo 330101
Kpokpogri 330101
Okuayitu 330101
Okuitobore 330101
Abagbrassa 330101
Adagbrasa 330101
Adagbrassa 330101
Akorahi 552105
Begiaba 552105
Begiatsu 552105
Begiatte 552105
Bendi 552105
Bendigie 552105
Kakwalaike 552105
Ketting 552105
Lishikwel 552105
Okpe 552105
Omale 552105

If you have questions about Okpe postal code online, you can leave us a comment.

You can find all the Nigeria zip code by visiting Nigeria postal code for all the latest information.

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