Algoma ZIP Codes (Postal Code) Ontario

Algoma ZIP codes is P0M to P6C. This district is located in the Ontario province, Canada, North America.

Name Algoma District
Postal Code P0M, P0P, P0R, P0S, P5A, P6A, P6B, P6C
Seat Sault Sainte Marie
Province Ontario (ON)
Country Canada
Continent North America

For more details on the list of Postal codes or ZIP codes in Algoma, find the code along with the place.

ZIP Code for Algoma, ON

Place Postcode District
Algoma Mills P0R 1A0 Algoma
Aweres Township P6A Algoma
Batchawana Bay P0S 0A4, P0S 1A0 Algoma
Batchewana First Nation P6A Algoma
Blind River P0R Algoma
Bruce Mines P0R Algoma
Cutler P0P 1B0 Algoma
Desbarats P0R Algoma
Dubreuilville P0S 0A1, P0S 1B0 Algoma
Echo Bay P0S Algoma
Elliot Lake P5A Algoma
Garden River P6A Algoma
Goulais River P0S Algoma
Hawk Junction P0S 1G0 Algoma
Hilton Beach P0R Algoma
Hornepayne P0M 0B1 Algoma
Iron Bridge P0R Algoma
Missanabie P0M 0C8, P0M 2H0 Algoma
Montreal River Harbour P0S 1H0 Algoma
Prince Township P6A 6K4 Algoma
Richards Landing P0R Algoma
Sault Sainte Marie P6A, P6B, P6C Algoma
Searchmont P0S 1J0 Algoma
Serpent River P0P 1V0 Algoma
Spanish P0P 0B2, P0P 2A0 Algoma
Spragge P0R 1K0 Algoma
Thessalon P0R Algoma
Wawa P0S Algoma
White River P0M 0B7, P0M 3G0 Algoma

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