Dauphin County ZIP Codes (Postal Code) Manitoba

Dauphin County ZIP codes is R0H to R7N. This County is located in the Manitoba province, Canada, North America.

Name Dauphin County
Postal Code R0H, R0J, R0L, R7N
Province Manitoba (MB)
Country Canada
Continent North America

For more details on the list of Postal codes or ZIP codes in Dauphin County, find the code along with the place.

ZIP Code for Dauphin County, MB

Place Postcode County
Alonsa R0H 0A0, R0H 0A8 Dauphin
Amaranth R0H 0A9, R0H 0B0 Dauphin
Ashville R0L 0A0 Dauphin
Cayer R0L 0E2, R0L 0K0 Dauphin
Dauphin R7N Dauphin
Ebb and Flow R0L 0R0, R0L 0C5 Dauphin
Eddystone R0L 0S0 Dauphin
Ethelbert R0L 0C8, R0L 0T0 Dauphin
Fork River R0L 0A9, R0L 0V0 Dauphin
Garland R0L 0B9, R0L 0W0 Dauphin
Gilbert Plains R0L 0C1, R0L 0X0 Dauphin
Grandview R0L 0A1, R0L 0Y0 Dauphin
Kelwood R0J 0Y0 Dauphin
Kinosota R0H 0L0 Dauphin
Laurier R0J 0B3, R0J 1A0 Dauphin
Makinak R0L 1C0 Dauphin
McCreary R0J 0B4, R0J 1B0 Dauphin
Ochre River R0L Dauphin
Rorketon R0L 0B2, R0L 1R0 Dauphin
Sainte Rose du Lac R0L 0B6, R0L 1S0 Dauphin
Sifton R0L 1X0 Dauphin
Silver Ridge R0H 1M0 Dauphin
Tootinaowaziibeeng R0L 2L0 Dauphin
Toutes Aides R0L 2A0 Dauphin
Valley River R0L 0A7, R0L 2B0 Dauphin
Winnipegosis R0L 0E1, R0L 2G0 Dauphin

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