Durham ZIP Codes (Postal Code) Ontario

Durham ZIP codes is K0M, L0A to L9P. This regional municipality is located in the Ontario province, Canada, North America.

Name Regional Municipality of Durham
Postal Code K0M, L0A, L0B, L0C, L0E, L0G, L0H, L0K, L1B, L1C, L1E, L1G, L1H, L1J, L1K, L1L, L1M, L1N, L1P, L1R, L1S, L1T, L1V, L1W, L1X, L1Y, L1Z, L9L, L9P
Seat Whitby
Province Ontario (ON)
Country Canada
Continent North America

For more details on the list of Postal codes or ZIP codes in Durham, find the code along with the place.

ZIP Code for Durham, ON

Place Postcode Municipality
Ajax L1M, L1S, L1T, L1Z Durham
Ashburn L0B 1A0 Durham
Beaverton L0K Durham
Blackstock L0B 1B0 Durham
Bond Head L0G 0A7, L0G 1B0 Durham
Bowmanville L1B, L1C, L1E Durham
Brougham L0H 1A0 Durham
Caesarea L0B Durham
Cannington L0E Durham
Claremont L1Y Durham
Courtice L1C, L1E Durham
Goodwood L0C 1A0 Durham
Greenbank L0C 1B0 Durham
Greenwood L0H 1H0 Durham
Hampton L0B Durham
Haydon L1C Durham
Kendal L0A Durham
Leaskdale L0C 1C0 Durham
Manilla K0M 2J0 Durham
Nestleton Station L0B Durham
Newcastle L1B Durham
Newtonville L0A 1J0 Durham
Orono L0B Durham
Oshawa L1G, L1H, L1J, L1K, L1L Durham
Pickering L1V, L1W, L1X, L1Y Durham
Port Perry L9L Durham
Sandford L0C 1E0 Durham
Seagrave L0C 1G0 Durham
Sunderland L0C Durham
Uxbridge L9P Durham
Whitby L1M, L1N, L1P, L1R Durham
Whitevale L0H 1M0 Durham
Zephyr L0E Durham

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