Muskoka ZIP Codes (Postal Code) Ontario

Muskoka ZIP codes is L0E to P1P. This district is located in the Ontario province, Canada, North America.

Name District Municipality of Muskoka
Postal Code L0E, P0A, P0B, P0C, P0E, P1H, P1L, P1P
Seat Bracebridge
Province Ontario (ON)
Country Canada
Continent North America

For more details on the list of Postal codes or ZIP codes in Muskoka, find the code along with the place.

ZIP Code for Muskoka, ON

Place Postcode District
Bala P0C 0A2, P0C 1A0 Muskoka
Baysville P0B Muskoka
Beaumaris P1L 1W8 Muskoka
Bracebridge P1L Muskoka
Dorset P0A 0A8, P0A 1E0 Muskoka
Dwight P0A Muskoka
Gravenhurst P1P Muskoka
Honey Harbour P0E 0A2, P0E 1E0 Muskoka
Huntsville P1H Muskoka
Kilworthy P0E Muskoka
Lake of Bays P1H 2J3 Muskoka
Mactier P0C Muskoka
Milford Bay P0B 0A6, P0B 1E0 Muskoka
Minett P0B 0A4, P0B 1G0 Muskoka
Port Carling P0B Muskoka
Port Sandfield P0B 1K0 Muskoka
Port Sydney P0B Muskoka
Torrance P0C 1M0 Muskoka
Utterson P0B Muskoka
Willow Beach L0E 1S0 Muskoka
Windermere P0B 0A2, P0B 1P0 Muskoka

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