South West Manitoba ZIP Codes (Postal Code) Manitoba

South West Manitoba ZIP codes is R0K and R0M. This County is located in the Manitoba province, Canada, North America.

Name South West Manitoba
Postal Code R0K, R0M
Province Manitoba (MB)
Country Canada
Continent North America

For more details on the list of Postal codes or ZIP codes in South West Manitoba, find the code along with the place.

ZIP Code for South West Manitoba, MB

Place Postcode County
Belmont R0K 0A2, R0K 0C0 South West
Boissevain R0K 0B8, R0K 0E0 South West
Coulter R0M 0G0 South West
Deloraine R0M 0A7, R0M 0M0 South West
Dunrea R0K 0B9, R0K 0S0 South West
Elgin R0K 0T0 South West
Goodlands R0M 0R0 South West
Hartney R0M 0A8, R0M 0X0 South West
Holmfield R0K 1A0 South West
Killarney R0K 0C3, R0K 1G0 South West
Lauder R0M 1C0 South West
Lyleton R0M 1G0 South West
Margaret R0K 1J0 South West
Medora R0M 0B3, R0M 1K0 South West
Melita R0M 0B5, R0M 1L0 South West
Minto R0K 0A9, R0K 1M0 South West
Napinka R0M 1N0 South West
Ninette R0K 0C4, R0K 1R0 South West
Ninga R0K 1S0 South West
Pierson R0M 0B7, R0M 1S0 South West
Tilston R0M 2B0 South West
Waskada R0M 0A6, R0M 2E0 South West

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