Luxor Postal Code (Zip Code)

Luxor Postal Code (Zip Code) is a five (5) digits numbers which is recognized and approved by Egypt Post. “Egypt Post” (Egyptian Arabic: البريد المصرى El-Barid el-Maṣri) is the governmental agency responsible for postal service in Egypt. Established in 1865, it is one of the oldest governmental institutions in the country today.

Luxor is one of the twenty-seven (27) Governorates (province) in Egypt. See more details about this province below.

Province Luxor
Postal Code 85951 – 85959
Office Numbers 99
Area Code +20
Country Egypt
Region Africa

See below for complete zip code lists for Luxor Governorate post offices in Egypt (EG).

Luxor Governorate Zip Code (الرمز البريدي)

Office Address Postal code
Luxor St. station / Luxor 85951
Dabayaa Dabayaa 85836
Lentoids Lentoids / Luxor Center 85844
Tribal Qamola Tribal Qamola / Luxor Center 85838
El Bayadeya El Bayadeya 85834
Manshyet Nuba Manshyet Nuba 85843
Aloqasrata Airport Inside the Luxor International Airport 85955
Tod Tod 85842
Zinnia tribal Zinnia / good center 85835
Blindness Local Unit blindness 85837
Baghdadi Baghdadi 85833
Karnak Luxor Karnak Alaqsrh Hilton Hotel 85954
Tourism Market Corniche El Nil / Luxor 85953
Qurna New Qurna Naga El Tarf 85831
Imari facility Imari facility / Luxor 85841
Sidi Abu pilgrims Alaqsrh Karnak Temple 85952
Navigation Navigation Balqublyqamola / Luxor Center 85839
Alacalth Alacalth mainland western / Luxor 85852
Madamoud Madamoud Nag Abotrbuc 85861
Abu generosity Abu generosity / Luxor / stretch Market 85956
Awwamiyya Awwamiyya 85957
Baarat Baarat mainland western / Luxor 85958
Alkabbahy Alkabbahy western / Luxor Center 85961
Habil Qriaalhabayl / Luxor Center 85962
Nag pigment Nag pigment in Luxor 85963
Fattatih Qriafattatih / Luxor Center 85855
Alndavin Qriaalndavin / Luxor Center 85856
Western Qamola Qriagharby Qamola 85853
Alzenaqth Alzenaqth 85964
Almhidat Qriaalmhidat / Luxor Center 85857
Naga unity Qriandja Unity 85864
New Baghdadi Baghdadi Aljdidndja Aloiqat 85867
Courts Complex in Luxor Courts Complex in Luxor / Awwamiyya 85866
Nag Pond Nag Pond / Albrgharby / Luxor Center 85868
Alroajeh Luxor Alroajeh palace buildings torrents 85869
Second Karnak Second / Nag long Karnak Karnak 85965
Luxor station Sabahi St. station / Luxor / object Alaqasralaqsr Office 85959
Upper Egyptians Qriaalsaidh 85969
Madamoud second Luxor Madamoud / good / old Nag 85862
New Thebes The new city of Thebes 85863
Zinnia sea Zinnia youth center next to the sea 85832
Al_husinat Luxor Tod Al_husinat 85854
Cement Cement village M.anagadh 85881
Nag East Village Qamola Nag Bagpipes / community building 85883
Armant Center / Armant 85846
Armant Hait Armant Hait 85847
Esna Searbasna Street 85811
The monastery Esna Qriaalder Esna 85815
Riot Qriacgb our might 85845
Alazaima Qriaalazaima our might 85816
Almtaana Qriaalmtaana our might 85821
Cayman Almtaana Qriakiman Almtaana our might 85819
Asfon Asfon village / ISNA Center 85812
Maris Maris 85849
Austria Village Austria / Esna Center 85817
Hilla Qrialhalh / ISNA 85814
Thomas and wellness Thomas village and wellness / ISNA Center 85813
Reziegat sea Reziegat Admiral / Barment 85848
Alaqraaa Qriaalaqraaa / Esna Center 85818
Mahamid sea Qriamahamed Bhrybarment 85851
Tafnas Village Tafnas our might 85829
Canine Canine defeated by village 85827
Arsenic Village defeated by arsenic 85824
Kummer Esna Village Kummer ISNA / ISNA Center 85825
Agricultural Research Station ARC / ISNA station 85871
Islamic Complex The compound of the Islamic / Esna Center 85822
Mualla Our Might village Mualla 85874
Equal Equal defeated by village 85823
Guerrero Qriaahlgrezh / ISNA 85826
Rizeigat tribal Village Reziegat Qublybarment 85858
Ahamidat East East Village Ahamidat our might 85828
Hamlets sea Qriaalnjua Admiral / next to the village council 85865
Znich Znich village / Esna 85872
Analyte Village analyte our might 85873
Mahameed tribal Mahameed tribal village defeated by 85875
Democratic Village Democratic Barment 85876
Nag Ahmed Saeed The village of Nag Ahmed Said / our might 85859
Canal Nasser Village Canal Nasirasna 75799
Hannadi Qriahinady 85798
Riyanah Riyanah village Barment 85878
Powell Powell defeated by village 85797
Aldkirh Qriaaldkirh our might 85796
Turnpike Murays Turnpike Maris Armant 85882
Turnpike lentoids Turnpike lentoids sea 85884
Sheikh Sultan Naga Sheikh Sultan Naga Baladissat 85885
Sawalha Village Sawalha Balhabayl 85971
Alrawfah Alrawfah Balbgdada village 85886
Sheikh Amer Sheikh Amer village 85888
Nag preachers 85972
Turnpike Kummer 85895
Nag Elzimamy 85877
Luxor Airport Luxor International Airport Building 85967
Luxor (Mobile) It is not turned on 85991
Hajar Rizeigat Bahri (under construction) Armant Center – not opened 85889
Rajih Island Rajah Island / Esna Center 85866
Peptic ulcer The village of Sateih Al Mataana 85886
Naga the long Tud Tud / Naga long / Tud 85868
Middle East Village Central Medallions 85839
Luxor Station (Masai) Inside Luxor Railway Station 85959


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