Minya Postal Code (Zip Code) is a five (5) digits numbers which is recognized and approved by Egypt Post. “Egypt Post” (Egyptian Arabic: البريد المصرى El-Barid el-Maṣri) is the governmental agency responsible for postal service in Egypt. Established in 1865, it is one of the oldest governmental institutions in the country today.
Minya is one of the twenty-seven (27) Governorates (province) in Egypt. See more details about this province below.
Province | Minya |
Postal Code | 61511 – 61759 |
Office Numbers | 174 |
Area Code | +20 |
ISO | EG |
Country | Egypt |
Region | Africa |
See below for complete zip code lists for Minya Governorate post offices in Egypt (EG).
Minya Governorate Zip Code (الرمز البريدي) |
Office | Address | Postal code |
Minya main | Omar Effendi Minya field | 61511 |
Minya sub | Minya City- government interests complex building | 61512 |
Second Minya | Usman Anwar El Mansoura Bridge – Minya | 61513 |
Abba endowment station | Aba endowment Megaga Center / East railway station | 61711 |
Abba endowment country | Megaga Center / father endowment | 61712 |
He returns | Saad Zaghloul St. / he returns to center | 61611 |
He returns to country | He returns to center | 61623 |
Atlidm | Atlidm village / he returns to center | 61729 |
Asital | Village Asital / Samalout / Local Unit | 61663 |
Itsa Minya | Itsa village / Samalot / u Port Said Center | 61742 |
Albergaah | Albergaah village / Minya Center | 61741 |
Albehu | Village Albehu / Samalout | 61743 |
Jernos | Village Jernos / Megaga Center | 61713 |
K Minya | K / Malwa Center | 61732 |
Alsoahjh | Village Alsoahjh / Malwa station in front Agricultural Society | 61637 |
Sheikh Fadl | The village of Sheikh Fadl / u flowers / Bani Mazar Center | 61673 |
Adwa Minya | Adwa Center / next to the city council | 61694 |
Alqayat | Safeguards village / enemy Center | 61695 |
Mahrs | Mahrs village / he returns to center | 61731 |
Affection | Village affection / Bani Mazar | 61745 |
Lubna Ahmed | Village Lubna Ahmed / Minya Center | 61726 |
Built haram | Village built haram / Deir Mawas Center | 61652 |
Built Obeid_ Minya | Built slaves / he returns | 61617 |
Brown sang | Brown sang / Samalot | 61666 |
Bani Mazar | The city of Bani Mazar – El Batal Ahmed Abdel- Aziz | 61671 |
El Bayadeya Malwa | El Bayadeya Malwa / Malwa Center | 61645 |
Tarpaulin | Village tarpaulin / Malwa Center | 61642 |
Grace Minya | Grace / he returns | 61619 |
Pan Minya | Village Pan – Malwa Center | 61641 |
Dalga | Dalga village / Deir Mawas Center | 61648 |
Damishar | Damishar village / Minya Center | 61722 |
Deir Al Barsha | Barsha village / Malwa Center | 61651 |
Deir Mawas | U Freedom / Deir Mawas | 61736 |
Samalot | Port Said / u Samalot center / central building | 61661 |
Samalot sub | Samalout behind the court / public housing | 61662 |
Saft Muffler | Saft Muffler / Minya Center | 61723 |
Sndfa mouse | Village Sndfa mouse / center Bani Mazar | 61677 |
Taha seven | Taha seven – Bandar Minya | 61515 |
Qlandol | Village Qlandol / Malwa Center | 61733 |
Gulwsna | Gulwsna / Samalout | 61744 |
Megaga | Megaga / Taha Hussein St. | 61691 |
Matai | Matai / schools Street City | 61681 |
Malatya | Malatya village / Megaga Center | 61699 |
Malwa | Alarafany u / city of Malwa | 61631 |
Malwa sub | St. mandarin Mallawi | 61632 |
Mnsfis | Mnsfis village / he returns to center | 61728 |
Hor | Hor village / Malwa Center | 61621 |
Mankateen | Mankateen / Samalout | 61668 |
Sweet | Sweet village / Bani Mazar Center | 61675 |
Catarrh Albderman | Catarrh Albderman / Deir Mawas Center | 61643 |
Lubna Salim | Village built Salem / Deir Mawas Center | 61738 |
Third Malwa | El Sheikh Nasser / Malwa Center | 61634 |
Menbal | Menbal village / Matai Center | 61682 |
Minya fourth | U collector peeling / city of Minya | 61514 |
Tookh Horse | Village Tookh Horse / city of Minya | 61725 |
Abu Greg | The village of Abu Greg / center Bani Mazar | 61746 |
Lubna Mohamed Sultan | Lubna Mohamed Sultan / Minya Center | 61727 |
Presses Malwa | Presses Malwa / Malwa Center | 61646 |
Abashadat | Abashadat / Malwa Center | 61614 |
Good Samalot | Good village – Samalot | 61664 |
Tunbdy Megaga | Tunbdy village / Megaga Center | 61697 |
Nway | Nway village / Malwa Center | 61636 |
Taha columns | Village Taha columns / Samalout | 61724 |
Harona | Harona village – Megaga Center | 61696 |
Qays | Qays village / Matai Center | 61674 |
Sympathy Haider | Haider sympathy village / enemy Center | 61698 |
Hill | Village Hill / Minya Center | 61721 |
Abyoha | Abyoha / he returns to the center of the village | 61615 |
Shusha | Shusha / Samalout | 61667 |
Tuna Mountain | Tuna Mountain / center Malwa | 61638 |
Banu Musa | Village built Moses / he returns to center | 61618 |
Catarrh Cement | Catarrh / he returns Cement | 61622 |
Etiquette of Minya College | Etiquette of Minya / Minya College | 61517 |
Halgam | Halgam village / Bani Mazar Center | 61676 |
Megaga _ subsidiary | Ahawany u / Bmgagh | 61692 |
Labuan | Labuan / Matai Center | 61683 |
Alredamon | Village Alredamon / Malwa Center | 61644 |
Or Qmus | The village of Umm Qmus / Malwa Center | 61639 |
Pellnsourh | Pellnsourh / he returns to center | 61616 |
Brdnoha | Brdnoha village / Matai Center | 61684 |
Purposefulness | Determination / Samalout | 61665 |
Barsha | Barsha village / Malwa Center | 61649 |
Tanov | Tanov / Deir Mawas Center | 61737 |
Jihad | Jihad village / enemy Center | 61693 |
Soldiery | Village soldier / center Bani Mazar | 61714 |
A second wrench | U July 26 Mallawi | 61633 |
Sultan District | Sultan El Minya | 61516 |
Alahmonin | Village Alahmonin / Malwa Center | 61635 |
Sub built shrine | Built Mzar- Shafie City | 61672 |
Amoalqh facility | Property Amoalqh / Malwa | 61647 |
Land of birth | Land -born / Bandar Minya | 61518 |
Dirout or Palm | Village Dirout or Palm / Malwa Center | 61653 |
Deir Mawas sub | El Shaheed Salah Abdel Hakim / Deir Mawas Center | 61747 |
Malwa fourth | U July 26 / Mallawi | 61654 |
Damisha and Hashim | Village Damisha and Hashim / Minya Center | 61753 |
New Malwa | El Majidi / City Malwa | 61655 |
Osamu bride | Osamu bride / Deir Mawas Center | 61656 |
Ammaria East | Ammaria East / Dermwas Center | 61756 |
Tel built Imran | Tel built Imran / Deir Mawas Center | 61748 |
Deir Abu Hanas | The village of Deir Abu Hanas / Malwa Center | 61657 |
Office | Address | Postal code |
Abu Yaqub | Abu Jacob village / Minya Center | 61734 |
Brdobat | Village Brdobat / Megaga Center | 61715 |
Catarrh peasants | The village of Nazlat Filahin- Minya Center | 61749 |
He returns to sub | Omar bin al-Khattab / he returns to St. | 61624 |
Matai Country | Matai City | 61686 |
Ashanin Christians | Ashanin Christians / Megaga Center | 61689 |
Megaga _ second | Megaga City | 61716 |
Singerj Malwa | Village Singerj / Malwa Center | 61659 |
I said Abu | I said the village of Abu Malwa Center | 61625 |
Curved Minya | Vaqosh village / Minya Center | 61751 |
Shaheen manor | Shaheen manor Minya | 61522 |
Sheikh worship | The village of Sheikh worship / Malwa Center | 61735 |
Minia University | Minya / Minya University | 61519 |
Dahrot | Village Dahrot / Megaga Center | 61717 |
Berdoneh supervision | Berdoneh supervision / Bani Mazar Center | 61679 |
Built on | Center built on / Bani Mazar Center | 61678 |
Sunflower Harona | Sunflower Harona / Megaga village center | 61718 |
Saft milk Minya | The village of Saft El Laban / Minya Center | 61752 |
Minya courts complex | Courts / Minya complex | 61521 |
Catarrh Hussein | Catarrh Hussein / Minya Center | 61754 |
East Minya Saft | East Saft / Minya | 61739 |
Samalot country | Samalot country Fatima Zahra u | 61669 |
Slaqos | Slaqos village / enemy Center | 61719 |
Catarrh Grace | Catarrh Grace / he returns to center | 61613 |
Thncha | Thncha / Minya Center | 61757 |
Kafr Khuzam | Kafr Khozam- Dermwas | 61755 |
Bani Hassan Sunrise | The village of Bani Hassan Sunrise / he returns to center | 61612 |
Sniff onions _aharih Minya | Marine sniff onions / Megaga Center | 61759 |
Taha Hussein | Taha Hussein – Bandar Megaga | 61762 |
Al_husaabh Deir Mawas | Deir Mawas City / u railway level crossing | 61761 |
Itsa Union | Itsa village / Samalout | 61758 |
Abu Aziz | Abu Aziz Matai village center | 61685 |
Mnehry Minya | Mnehry / he returns to the village | 61626 |
Minya flower | Minya flower / Minia village center | 61763 |
Aato endowment | Village Aato endowment / Bani Mazar | 61687 |
Com Allovy Minya | Com Allovy / Samalout | 61765 |
Sheikh Masoud Minya | Sheikh Masood village / enemy Center | 61764 |
Demiana endowment Minya | Village Mianeh endowment / Megaga Center | 61766 |
Built Khald_ Minya | Lubna Khalid / Samalout | 61767 |
The new city of Minya | The new city of Minya | 61768 |
Lubna silent | Village built a silent / city of Beni Mazar | 61769 |
Harddrive Minya | Harddrive / Minya Center | 61771 |
Western Saft | Western Saft / Minya Center | 61772 |
Dhmarw Minya | Dhmarw – Megaga | 61773 |
Sheikh lattice | Sheikh lattice / Malwa village center | 61774 |
Joseph Sedky | Joseph Village Sedky / Megaga | 61775 |
Built Khald_ Megaga | Village Lubna Khalid / Megaga Center | 61658 |
Fulfillment of Minya | Samalot / Minya Center | 61776 |
Al Areen Maritime | Al Areen village / Malwa Center | 61777 |
Khuzam facility | Khuzam facility – Deir Mawas Center | 61778 |
Young Future | The new city of Minya / Fourth Quarter | 61523 |
Bad tuna Minya | Malwa Center / bad tuna | 61779 |
Alanahth | Alanahth / Minia village | 61781 |
Beni Amer | The village of Beni Amer / Minya | 61782 |
Hope | Village 8 Minya | 61524 |
Second hill | Malwa / Minya Center | 61688 |
Industrial area of Minya | Industrial Area / Minya | 61784 |
Tookh Minya | Tookh Minya village of Deir Mawas | 61785 |
Abul Abbas | The village of Abu al-Abbas / Minya | 61786 |
Aezagh | Village Aezagh / Minya | 61787 |
Tel island built Imran | Tel libel built Imran / Minya | 61788 |
Nasiriyah Deir Mawas | Village Nasiriyah / Deir Mawas | 61789 |
Younis Samida | – | 61791 |
Catarrh Asital | The village of Nazlat Asital | 61792 |
Svay | 61794 | |
Daqov | 61795 | |
Brown and Touch | 61796 | |
Bustlon | 0 | |
Saad Younis | 61797 | |
The descent of the columns | Nazlet Al Amoudin Village – Samalout Center | 61799 |
Al-Kamayer | El Qamayer Village – Samalout Center | 61811 |
Heart | The Village of Qulba – Mallawi Center | 61798 |
El Menia Station | Saad Zaghloul St. El Menia Station | 61523 |
Freedom | Sham al-Basal marine village / Maghagha | 61759 |