Suez Postal Code (Zip Code)

Suez Postal Code (Zip Code) is a five (5) digits numbers which is recognized and approved by Egypt Post. “Egypt Post” (Egyptian Arabic: البريد المصرى El-Barid el-Maṣri) is the governmental agency responsible for postal service in Egypt. Established in 1865, it is one of the oldest governmental institutions in the country today.

Suez is one of the twenty-seven (27) Governorates (province) in Egypt. See more details about this province below.

Province Suez
Postal Code 43511 – 43533
Office Numbers 48
Area Code +20
Country Egypt
Region Africa

See below for complete zip code lists for Suez Governorate post offices in Egypt (EG).

Suez Governorate Zip Code (الرمز البريدي)

Office Address Postal code
Suez Hoda Shaarawy Street / Suez 43511
Suez subsidiary Strangely housing Building 145 / Apartment 2 43512
Morning city Republic District / City morning / Department Faisal 43519
Forty Park Saad / Suez / Department of forty housing 43514
Camp Suez Military station Faisal / Camp Suez 43517
Aljblayat Jblaah Abu Usman / Department Ganayen 43714
Suez second Talaat Harb Street / Suez 43513
Forty third U Army Triangle / Suez / housing department forty 43515
Ataka Compost / Ataka housing 43713
Portofik_ksm Suez Channel Street / Port Tawfik 43522
Suez Wholesale Market Inside the wholesale market / Suez 43516
King Faisal Faisal / Department Faisal City 43518
Jennifh Village Jennifh / Department Ganayen 43712
Ganayen Village Mayor / Department Ganayen 43711
Amer village Village Amer / Ganayen 43521
Eyes of Moses Eyes Musa / Moses Qriaaaon / Department Ganayen 43716
Second forty Forty District / next Wabour light 43524
Sulfur كبريت / عمارة 12 شقة 2 43717
Sadat Sadat / City Building (42) 43523
Marine passenger terminal Building (a ) Flat 3 (b) / Suez / marine passenger terminal 43718
Sulfur sailors Sulfur sailors / Ganayen District 43722
Mubarak Mubarak City / Building 11 Flat 3 43529
Suez station Morning / Atlas District Building 235 43526
45223 Obour City (3) Apartment ( 2) Forty / Forty section 43527
Faith City of Faith / Suez 43525
Manure Suez Al Nasr Housing for oil / fertilizer / Suez 43719
Clovh Clovh / Suez / village Ganayen 43715
Refining Alpetrol_asuez Suez Oil Processing Co. 43721
Future عمارة (2 ) شقة (10 ) ب / مدينة المستقبل 43528
Marwa forty عمارة (2 ) شقة (6 ب ) / المروة / الاربعين 43531
Parcels Customs Within the Customs Building / Suez 43723
Sulfur Akhawatrh Village sulfur Akhawatrh / Ganayen District 43724
Clovh Sunrise Clovh / village next to the train station / Ganayen 43725
Gulf of Suez Industrial Area / Gulf of Suez 43726
Attaka port Attaka / inside hunting / field Ataqa port area 43727
Handorh Sunrise Handorh sunrise / Ganayen 43728
Safa Safa City 43532
City of Peace City of Peace 43533
Pioneer Pioneer 43732
Yosr Ataka city convenience District 43538
Rehab Ataka Rehab City District 43547
Kawthar Ataka Kawthar City District 43742
Light Ataka City of Light District 43543
Yousef Al – Sebaie Not yet opened 43729
Mohamed Abdu Not yet opened 43731
Porto Sokhna Booking … Porto Sokhna Hotel 43552
Suez Traffic Administration Al Marwa City 43535
Reconciliation El – Tawfiq Center of Traffic Suez Post 43533

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